
Debug container with net tools and aws cli for troubleshooting

Primary LanguageDockerfile



A docker image with multiple linux network tools and aws cli pre-installed, for troubleshooting and testing purposes. The image is as slim as possible (<100 MB), and you can deploy it to docker daemon, or Kubernetes.

The following tools are installed:

  • Basic linux network utilities: ping, nestat, nc, nmap etc.
  • HTTP utilities: curl, wget etc.
  • DNS utilities: dig, host, nslookup etc.
  • TCP utilities: tcpdump, tcptraceroute etc.
  • NFS utils for nfs share mounting (e.g. EKS EFS)
  • Nginx web server listening to 80,443 for inbound connectivity testing.


Inline usage:

Simple case:

kubectl run -it debugger --image=pseudorandomized/pod-debugger bash

If you wish to test a Service Account (or any other override to the pod manifest), you can use something like the following:

kubectl run -it debugger --image=pseudorandomized/pod-debugger --overrides='{ "spec": { "serviceAccount": "your-sa-here" }  }' bash


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: debug-pod
    - name: app
      image: pseudorandomized/pod-debugger:latest
        privileged: true
 # serviceAccountName: ...
 # automountServiceAccountToken: false

And open a terminal in the pod by:

kubectl exec -it debug-pod bash