
This is a simple project to do a dynamic image comparison with 2 images with one overlayed on the other. It will change the split as you hover your mouse cursor over the image.

Primary LanguageHTML

Easy image comparison example

This is a simple project to show how to do a dynamic image comparison where there are 2 images with one overlayed on the other. It will change the split as you hover your mouse cursor over the image.

How to use

Using it is as simple as creating an <image-comparison> element and setting --image1 and --image2 in the element's style, and setting the <img> to the same sources as --image1;


  style="--image1: url('https://loremflickr.com/640/480/dogs/'); --image2: url('https://loremflickr.com/640/480/cats/');">
  <img src="https://loremflickr.com/640/480/dogs/">


Try it out on Glitch here.

License: MIT

©2020 Paul Ellis