
A small JavaScript library for calculating the average color of an image in the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


psColor is a small JavaScript library for calculating the average color of an <img> element in the browser.


  1. Place <script src='psColor.js'></script> into your web page before your script(s) that will use psColor.js.
  2. Call ps.color.getImageAverageColor(imageElement) where imageElement is an <img> that has completed loading, and is on the same domain as the web page.
  3. ps.color.getImageAverageColor will return an object with three methods that will give you the average color in rgb, rgba, and hex:
    1. toStringRgb (e.g. 255,128,0)
    2. toStringRgba (e.g. 255,128,0,0.5)
    3. toStringHex (e.g. FF8000)

Same Origin Security Policy

Images are placed into a <canvas> to calculate the color. Images from a different domain can't be processed in a <canvas> due to same origin security policies.