
bash port of pseyfert/lb-zsh

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


tab completions for bash are by now in upstream.


this is just a bash port of pseyfert/lb-zsh.


See this screencast

how to

get the code

ssh lxplus.cern.ch
git clone https://github.com/pseyfert/lb-bash.git .bash_completion.d

load it by default by adding the following to your $HOME/.bash_completion file

for v in $(ls $HOME/.bash_completion.d/ | grep -v LICENSE | grep -v README | grep -v logo | grep -v svg)
  . $HOME/.bash_completion.d/$v

(okay, loading the files is not super elegant, cleanup needed)

As personal preference, I also put

TAB: menu-complete
set show-all-if-ambiguous on

into $HOME/.inputrc.



lists all getpack'able packages

git lb-checkout

completes git lb-checkout [branches and tags] [packages in the chosen project]

git lb-use

suggest projects (not only the application projects like Brunel and DaVinci, but also Rec)

other hints

The lhcb login scripts already set the bash prompt when invoking SetupProject or lb-run XXXX bash. To use this feature, you can set the following in your ~/.bashrc

export SP_PROMPT="yes"