
In this challenge we have to make an application like Instagram. The communication between front-end and back-end must be with GraphQL technology and using ApolloGraphQL library. We have to use nestjs as web framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Avid Challenge

In this challenge we have to make an application like Instagram. The communication between front-end and back-end must be with GraphQL technology and using ApolloGraphQL library. We have to use nestjs as web framework.

The items listed below make your results better :

  • Nice UI design
  • Connect application to a database
  • Use parcel instead of create-react-app
  • Create new posts

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You need to have these items on your local machine to run this application:

  • npm
  • node
  • mongoClient


We have two separate project and folder for front-end and back-end.


First thing you need to do is making a database with name "ch" in your mongodb. Posts will save in this database in a collection named "posts". By default database doesn't have a password. If you want to set your connection string you can edit "app.module.ts" in root folder of back-end project.

In back-end folder enter these commands to install node_modules

Cd back-end/avid

Npm i

After that you can start back-end server. Default port for back-end is 8000.

For starting the back-end server enter this command in "avid" folder:

Npm run start:dev

Now back-end server is up and for testing you can send a Get request to http://localhost:8000 (if you didn't change the port) you should receive "Hello World" response. In front-end requests are based on 8000 port so if you want to change this port you have to change some files in front-end projects.


Default port for front-end is 3000.for starting the project enter these commands in your command line :

Cd front-end/avid

Npm i

Npm start

After these commands the front-end page will be open in your browser and you can access to homepage by entering the http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

After this step you can see posts in "Home" page and add new post in "new post" page. You should be noticed that for creating new post you can't upload picture and you should enter a url for post's picture.

Built With



  • Poorshad Shaddel