Mastodon experiment

This is a repo for messing around with Mastodon. There are a few goals on this:

  • Learn how mastodon works and be able to install and operate a server.
  • Build out some operational monitoring that could be used by other mastodon operators.
  • Run it in AWS and show public cost consumption and scaling. Maybe expand to other cheaper providers.
  • Attempt to abstract some functionality to serverless.

This is all overkill for any of my needs and is meant as a fun experiment for learning only.


We're going to start with a very simple basic app setup on AWS.

Phase 1 Internet -> Round Robin DNS -> Mastodon EC2 Instance running all components, no autoscaling

Phase 2 Internet -> ALB -> Autoscaled Mastodon

Phase 3 Internet -> ALB -> Autoscaled App Mastodon -> AWS DB and Cache needs

Phase 4 Internet -> ALB -> Autoscaled App Mastodon -> AWS DB and Cache needs -> Lambda URL Paths

I barely know anything about Mastodon architecture or needs so may need to modify this.

Is EKS in here somewhere? maybe.

AWS Setup

We setup a brand new account and we'll skip using the default VPC and setup everything we need from scratch.