
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Welcome to Hub Automation!

This this collection of scripts and the repo are here for your self improvement and to allow for the sharing of automation amongst the IBM Quantum Network community of members. Please feel free to contribute your enhancements, and to propose new scripts, features, and fixes as appropriate. While we (IBM Quantum) will monitor this repo, and contribute as we are able, this is a community project.

This being said, we are excited to hear from you! We welcome your issues and PRs. Please do see the section at the end of the Readme regarding contributions.


  1. Download the individual files needed, as well as the auth.py file.
  2. Set the LOGIN_TOKEN in auth.py to your IBM Quantum Experience Token.

Running Each Script


What it does: Sends an API call to authenticate your account.
Notes: You must set the LOGIN_TOKEN variable to your IBM Quantum Experience Token. Other than that, no further action is needed for this file. This file is used in all of the scripts. If you experience an AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED error or a 401 status code, double check that you have included your valid IBM Quantum Token in this file.


What it does: Adds or Removes a Group in your Hub
<hub>: Required. The name of your hub.
<action>: Required. Either 'add' or 'remove'.
<group_name>: Required. The name of the group being added or removed.
<group_title>: Optional. Triggered by the -t flag. Only required if adding a group. The title of the group being added.
 If adding group: python edit_group.py <hub> add <group_name> -t <group_title>
 If removing group: python edit_group.py <hub> remove <group_name>


What it does: Adds or Removes a Project in your Hub
<hub>: Required. The name of your hub.
<group>: Required. The name of the parent group.
<action>: Required. Either 'add' or 'remove'.
<project_name>: Required. The name of the project you are adding or removing.
<project_title>: Optional. Triggered by the -t flag. Only required if adding a project. The title of the project being added.
 If adding project: python edit_project.py <hub> <group> add <project_name> -t <project_title>
 If removing project: python edit_project.py <hub> <group> remove <project_name>


What it does: Adds or Removes a user to or from a Project within your Hub
<hub>: Required. The name of your hub.
<group>: Required. The name of the parent group.
<project>: Required. The name of the project the the user will be added to or removed from.
<action>: Required. Either 'add' or 'remove'.
<user_email>: Required. User being added or removed.
python edit_users.py <hub> <group> <project> <action> <user_email>


What it does: Retrieves system usage stats for users on specific backends over a given date range. Creates a .csv file in same directory and stores the results in this file
<hub>: Required. The name of your hub.
Required Files:
This file should be filled out with the following format:

Start End User Backends
mm-dd-yy or '' mm-dd-yy or '' email backend1, backend2, ...

This script will return usage stats of each user on each backend listed in that row's backends column between the start and end date range. If no date is given for start or end, then it will return usage stats across the Hub's entire existence. Duplicate user entries are not accepted, and only the first instance of that user will have analytics returned.

 System usage stats stored in newly created file: analytics_results.csv

python get_analytics_for_users.py <hub>


What it does: Retreives a list of backend system names from either an entire Hub or a specific Project
<hub>: Required. The name of your hub.
<-group>: Optional. The name of the parent group.
<-project>: Optional. The name of the project.
<--full_data>: Optional. Prints out the entirety of the backend data.
python get_backend_info.py <hub> <-group> <-project> --full_data


What it does: Adds or Removes a backend from a Group or Project within your Hub
<hub>: Required. The name of your hub.
<action>: Required. Either add or remove.
<group>: Required. The name of the parent group.
<backend>: Required. The name of the backend to add or remove.
<-project>: Optional. The name of the parent project.
<-priority>: Required for add action. Integer priority of the backend, between 1 and 10,000.

 If adding: python edit_backends.py <hub> add <group> <backend_name> -project <project> -priority <priority>
 If removing: python edit_backends.py <hub> remove <group> <backend_name> -project <project> -priority <priority>

How to contribute

Contributions are welcomed as long as the stick to the git-flow: fork this repo, create a local branch named 'feature-XXX'. Commit often. Split it in multiple commits and request a merge to the mainline often. When you contribute code, you affirm that the contribution is your original work and that you license the work to the project under the project’s open source license. Whether or not you state this explicitly, by submitting any copyrighted material via pull request, email, or other means you agree to license the material under the project’s open source license and warrant that you have the legal authority to do so.