
San Francisco Muni Prediction and Weather LED sign

Primary LanguageRuby


Information, rationale, background, and screenshots are in my blog here:



Before you are able to run the sign software, you need to install Perl
and Ruby 1.9 with its "gem" package manager.

    $ sudo apt-get install ruby1.9 gem1.9
    $ sudo cpan Device::MiniLED
    $ gem install --user-install ./vendor/muni-0.0.6.gem

To execute the program at startup:
    $ sudo cp contrib/munisign /etc/init.d
    $ nano /etc/init.d/munisign   # Edit file to adjust command line
    $ sudo update-rc.d munisign defaults


There are two executable files in the package:

    - client/client.rb - Muni sign as seen on Muni stops;
    - contrib/morning_room.rb - morning dashboard.

Call each program with '--help' to see the complete list of options, e.g.
"./client/client.rb --help".   Sample command lines:

    ./client/client.rb --update-interval 30 --stopId 16995

    ./contrib/morning_room.rb --update-interval 30 \
    	--route 30 --direction outbound --stop 'Townsend & 4th'  \
    	--weather-url 'http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=37.776905&lon=-122.395012&FcstType=digitalDWML'  \
    	--weather-hour 20