
Generate java client for a service described by OData CSDL 4.0 metadata

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Generates java client for a service described by OData v4 metadata.

Status: pre-alpha (in development)


  • High level of type safety in generated code
  • Many unit tests (real service calls are made and recorded then used for unit tests)
  • Builders and method chaining for conciseness and discoverability
  • Immutability! (generated objects from the model are immutable)
  • OData inheritance supported for serialization and derialization
  • Interschema references supported (Thompson-Reuters Datascope API uses interschema references)
  • Http calls using java.net.URLConnection or using Apache HttpClient
  • Collections are Iterable and streamable (via .stream())
  • Generated code is very clean - well formatted, no redundant imports
  • Microsoft Graph v1.0 client
  • Microsoft Graph Beta client
  • More generated clients can be added, just raise an issue

How to build

mvn clean install


The main actively supported java clients for OData 4 services are Apache Olingo and the SDL OData Framework. However, neither of these projects generate all of the code you might need. Olingo generates some code but you still have to read the metadata xml to know what you can do with the generated classes. This project odata-client generates nearly all the code you need so that you just follow auto-complete on the available methods to navigate the service.

Microsoft Graph is an OData 4 service with a Java SDK being developed on https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-java/. Progress is slow and steady (but happening) on this client (8 Nov 2018) and it can do a lot already. My frustrations with the design of that client gave rise to an investigation into generating clients for OData services in general and that investigation turned into this project.

How to generate java classes for an OData service

Add odata-client-maven-plugin and build-helper-maven-plugin to your pom.xml as per odata-client-msgraph/pom.xml. You'll also need to save a copy of the service metadata (at http://SERVICE_ROOT/$metadata) to a file in your src/odata directory. Once everything is in place a build of your maven project will generate the classes and make them available as source (that's what the build-helper-maven-plugin does).


  • Just one key (with multiple properties if desired) per entity is supported (secondary keys are ignored in terms of code generation). I've yet to come across a service that uses multiple keys but it is possible.

MsGraph Client

Use this dependency:


Create a client

The first step is to create a client that will be used for all calls in your application.

GraphService client = MsGraph 
    .refreshBeforeExpiry(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES) 

Usage example 1 - simple

Here's example usage of the odata-client-msgraph artifact (model classes generated from the MsGraph metadata). Let's connect to the Graph API and list all messages in the Inbox that are unread:

String mailbox = "me";
    .filter("isRead eq false") 
    .map(x -> x.getSubject().orElse("")) 

Usage example 2 - more complex

Here's a more complex example which does the following:

  • Counts the number of messages in the Drafts folder
  • Prepares a new message
  • Saves the message in the Drafts folder
  • Changes the subject of the saved message
  • Checks the subject has changed by reloading
  • Checks the count has increased by one
  • Deletes the message
MailFolderRequest drafts = client //
    .users(mailbox) //

// count number of messages in Drafts
long count = drafts.messages() //
    .metadataNone() //
    .get() //
    .stream() //
    .count(); //

// Prepare a new message
String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 6);
Message m = Message
    .builderMessage() //
    .subject("hi there " + id) //
    .body(ItemBody.builder() //
            .content("hello there how are you") //
            .contentType(BodyType.TEXT).build()) //
    .from(Recipient.builder() //
            .emailAddress(EmailAddress.builder() //
                    .address(mailbox) //

// Create the draft message
Message saved = drafts.messages().post(m);

// change subject
client //
    .users(mailbox) //
    .messages(saved.getId().get()) //
    .patch(saved.withSubject("new subject " + id));

// check the subject has changed by reloading the message
String amendedSubject = drafts //
    .messages(saved.getId().get()) //
    .get() //
    .getSubject() //
if (!("new subject " + id).equals(amendedSubject)) {
    throw new RuntimeException("subject not amended");

long count2 = drafts //
    .messages() //
    .metadataNone() //
    .get() //
    .stream() //
    .count(); //
if (count2 != count + 1) {
    throw new RuntimeException("unexpected count");

// Delete the draft message
drafts //
    .messages(saved.getId().get()) //

Updating Microsoft Graph metadata

Developer instructions:

Usage Notes


To find the read url for a property that is of type Edm.Stream you generally need to read the entity containing the stream property with the Accept: odata.metadata=full request header (set .metadataFull() before calling get() on an entity).

Implementation Notes


Suppose Person has a Navigation Property of Photo then using the TripPin service example, calling HTTP GET of



"@odata.context": "http://services.odata.org/V4/(S(itwk4e1fqfe4tchtlieb5rhb))/TripPinServiceRW/$metadata#Photos/$entity",
"@odata.id": "http://services.odata.org/V4/(S(itwk4e1fqfe4tchtlieb5rhb))/TripPinServiceRW/Photos(2)",
"@odata.editLink": "http://services.odata.org/V4/(S(itwk4e1fqfe4tchtlieb5rhb))/TripPinServiceRW/Photos(2)",
"@odata.mediaContentType": "image/jpeg",
"@odata.mediaEtag": "W/\"08D6394B7BA10B11\"",
"Id": 2,
"Name": "My Photo 2"

We then grab the @odata.editLink url and call that with /$value on the end to GET the photo bytes:


Generated classes, final fields and setting via constructors

The initial design for setting fields was via constructors with final fields but Msgraph Beta service goes for gold on the number of fields and well exceeds the JVM limit of 256 with the Windows10GeneralConfiguration entity. As a consequence we have private theoretically mutable fields and a protected no-arg constructor. In practice though the fields are not mutable as the only creation access is through a builder() or with*(...) which return new instances.

PATCH support

If choosing the JVM Http client (via HttpURLConnection) then the HTTP verb PATCH is not supported. However, if using this client and a ProtocolException is thrown then the client attempts the call using the special request header X-HTTP-Override-Method and the verb POST. The detection of the ProtocolException is cached and future PATCH calls will then use the alternative methods (for the runtime life of the application).


  • support OpenType (arbitrary extra fields get written)
  • support EntityContainer inheritance (maybe, no sample that I've found uses it so far)
  • support precision, scale (maybe)
  • support NavigationPropertyBindings (just a documentation nicety? Looks like it's just to indicate contains relationships)
  • more decoupling of model from presentation in generation
  • use annotations (docs) in javadoc
  • support functions
  • support actions
  • support count
  • support raw
  • support geographical primitive types (where's the spec?!!)
  • support references to other metadata files (imports)
  • auto-rerequest with odata.metadata=full header if Edm.Stream is read
  • support TypeDefinition
  • only generate classes that are actually used (e.g. Collection classes)
  • implement CollectionPageNonEntity