A group of libraries written in Haskell to communicate with Rollbar API. Inspired by bugsnag-haskell.
- rollbar-cli - Simple CLI tool to perform commons tasks such as tracking deploys.
- rollbar-client - Core library to communicate with Rollbar API.
- rollbar-wai - Provides error reporting capabilities to WAI based applications through Rollbar API.
- rollbar-yesod - Provides error reporting capabilities to Yesod applications through Rollbar API.
- Install one of the following set of tools (or all of them):
- Set up a Rollbar account, create a project, and generate an access
- To get an access token, go to your project's Settings and then to Project
Access Tokens, where you can copy or create an access token with scope
- To get an access token, go to your project's Settings and then to Project
Access Tokens, where you can copy or create an access token with scope
Compile the projects:
cabal update
cabal configure --enable-tests
cabal build all
Run all tests:
env ROLLBAR_TOKEN=<token> cabal test all
Compile the projects:
stack build
Run all tests:
env ROLLBAR_TOKEN=<token> stack test