
Fully automated homolgy modelling suite

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


  1. Blast
  2. Modeller
  4. HHBlits (c.f. HH-Suite)
  5. Complete PDB and as fasta db We get pdbaa from dunbrack lab http://dunbrack.fccc.edu/Guoli/culledpdb_hh/pdbaa.gz
  6. CATH dompain pdbs and as a fasta db http://download.cathdb.info/cath/releases/all-releases/v4_1_0/sequence-data/cath-domain-seqs-S100-v4_1_0.fa http://download.cathdb.info/cath/releases/all-releases/v4_1_0/non-redundant-data-sets/cath-dataset-nonredundant-S40-v4_1_0.pdb.tgz



S.Ward, M.Sadowski, D.Jones, D.Buchan

BioSerf Protocol

  1. Run blast over the PDBAA to find out which pdbs your sequence may hit! TODO: THIS NEEDS CHANGED TO BLAST+

> /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/Applications/blast-2.2.26/bin/blastpgp -h 0.001 -d /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/uniref/pdb_aa.fasta -o bioserf_out.bls -i example/B0R5N0.fasta

  1. Create a set of pGenTHREADER models

> GenThreader.sh -i ~/Code/bioserf/example/B0R5N0.fasta -j B0R5N0 -s

you need the presults (for runBioserf) and ss2 files (for HHBlits), move the ss and ss2 files to the dir you will run HHBlits in. Move the presults file to the dir you will run runBioserf in

  1. Create a set of models using HHBlits (HHSuite3 btw)

hhblits -i ../example/B0R5N0.fasta -n 3 -cpu 1 -d /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/hhblitsdb/pdb70 -oa3m B0R5N0.hhblits.a3m

addss.pl B0R5N0.hhblits.a3m

hhsearch -realign -mact 0 -cpu 1 -E 0.001 -i B0R5N0.hhblits.a3m -d /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/hhblitsdb/pdb70 -o B0R5N0.hhr

note that hhmakemodel may hang if the hhr file references pdbs which are not present in the pdb dir.

hhmakemodel.pl -m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 -d /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/pdb -i B0R5N0.hhr -ts B0R5N0.hh.pdb

  1. Parse blast and output modeller mod.py files and tidy up the set of pGenTHREADER models. Some rogue java.class files might need to be delted

> javac -cp lib/biojava-1.7.1.jar:lib/bytecode.jar:./ runBioserf.java

> java -cp /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/src/lib/biojava-1.7.1.jar:/cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/src runBioserf bioserf_out.bls ../example/B0R5N0.fasta 0.00005 ./ /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/pdb/ /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/uniref/pdb_aa.fasta 40 B0R5N0 ~/bin/modeller9.17/bin/mod9.17 B0R5N0.pgen.presults /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/bin/modeller9.17/modlib/ /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/bin/modeller9.17/lib/x86_64-intel8/ /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/python3/bin/python /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/bin/qmodcheck_mainens /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/bin/qmodcheck /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/data/modcheckpot.dat /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/bin/tmjury3d_mq_modeller_threadsafe

  • bioserf_out.bls : the blast output from step 1
  • B0R5N0.fasta : The fasta file from step 1
  • 0.00005: blast evalue for models
  • /pdb/: location of all the pdb files
  • pdb_aa.fasta: a fasta file of all the pdb files' fasta seqs
  • 40: the % overlap to build models
  • B0R5N0 : A unique ID for the files to be prefixed with
  • mod9.17: The location of the modeller binary
  • B0R5N0.pgen.presults: presults file from Genthreader run (you need all the pdbs too)
  • modlib/ : location of modeller libraries
  • lib/x86-64-intel8/ : location of modelly architecture specific libs
  • python : location of the python to use or location of mod9.17 exe
  • qmodcheck_mainens : path to this Exe
  • qmodcheck : path to this Exe
  • modchekpot.data : path to this data file
  • tmjury3d_mq_modeller_threadsafe: path to this exe

Finally this should output a file B0R5N0.final_pdb

consider swapping python location for mod9.17 Note that here the modeller PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set

DomSerf protocol

Before this you need to process the CATH domain list and CATH domall files to build an annotated domain-list.

> python bin/process_cath_data.py cath-domain-list-v4_2_0.txt cath-domain-boundaries-v4_2_0.txt > data/cath-domain-list-v4_2_0_annotated.txt working/cath4.1/domlib/cath_domain_tdb/ > cath-domain-list-v4_2_0_annotated.txt

  1. Run blast against the CATH db sequences and PDB

> /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/Applications/ncbi-blast-2.2.31+/bin/psiblast -num_threads 1 -num_alignments 1000 -outfmt 0 -num_iterations 5 -inclusion_ethresh 0.001 -db /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/uniref/CathDomainSeqs.S100.ATOM -query ../example/B0R5N0.fasta -out B0R5N0.domserf.cath.bls

> /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/Applications/ncbi-blast-2.2.31+/bin/psiblast -num_threads 1 -num_alignments 1000 -outfmt 0 -num_iterations 5 -inclusion_ethresh 0.001 -db /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/uniref/pdb_aa.fasta -query ../example/B0R5N0.fasta -out B0R5N0.domserf.pdb.bls


  1. python ~/bin/split_fasta.py all.fa all_fasta 1000 see /home/camp/buchand/working/genome3d/Genome3D.2017-09-05/all_fasta

  2. run_domain_blast.sh, blasts pdbaa and cath to get easy to find structures

python submitter.py /home/camp/buchand/working/genome3d/Genome3D.2017-09-05/all_fasta /home/camp/buchand/Applications/bioserf/slurm_helper_scripts/run_domain_blast.sh

  1. Run parse_pdb_blast.pl, parse the earlier blasts and build any easy models

> ../bin/parse_pdb_blast.pl /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/data/cath-domain-list.txt ../example/B0R5N0.fasta B0R5N0.domserf.pdb.bls /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/uniref/pdb_aa.fasta . /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/pdb/ /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/bin/reformat.pl ~/bin/modeller9.17/bin/mod9.17

  • CathDomainSummary_3.5 : a list of cath domain IDS, CATH codes, and start stop regions
  • B0R5N0.domserf.pdb.bls: PDB blast output from step 1
  • pdb_aa.fasta: the PDB blast db used in step 1
  • ./ : tmp dir for models and whatnot
  • pdb/ : location of pdb files
  • reformat.pl : location of reformat.pl
  • mod9.17 : location of Modeller binary

If a good hit is found pdb files of the form NAME_start_stop.pdb will be produced for each domain that CATH


sbatch run_parse_pdb.sh OR python submitter.py /home/camp/buchand/working/genome3d/Genome3D.2017-09-05/all_fasta /home/camp/buchand/Applications/bioserf/slurm_helper_scripts/run_parse_pdb.sh

Work out which proteins need to pass through to step 3

calculate_missing.py calculate_missing.py $HOME/working/genome3d/pdbaa_based_models $HOME/working/genome3d/ $HOME/working/genome3d/Genome3D.2017-09-05/all_fasta > todo_list.txt

  1. If no domain pdb files were produced (i.e. we couldn't find a PDB match which was already classified in CATH). Then we run the following.


> ./GenThreader.sh -i B0R5N0.fasta -j B0R5N0 -d


sbatch run_domthreader.sh or python Applications/bioserf/slurm_helper_scripts/submitter.py /home/camp/buchand/working/genome3d/Genome3D.2017-09-05/all_fasta $HOME/Applications/bioserf/slurm_helper_scripts/run_domthreader.sh

THIS IS VERY LONG RUNNING. If the cluster dies consider using calculate_missing to workout what still needs doing and remove the completed ones before starting again.

  1. Run runParseCathDomthreader

> ../bin/parse_cath_domthreader.pl /cs/research/bioinf/home1/green/dbuchan/Code/bioserf/data/cath-domain-list.txt B0R5N0.domserf.cath.bls ../example/B0R5N0.fasta ./B0R5N0.pdom.presults ./B0R5N0.pdom.align ./ B0R5N0.blastaligns B0R5N0.ssf B0R5N0.pdomaligns

> ../bin/DomainFinder3 -i B0R5N0.ssf -o B0R5N0.dfout

> ../bin/make_modeller_files.pl B0R5N0.dfout B0R5N0.blastaligns B0R5N0.pdomaligns ./B0R5N0 B0R5N0.mod_lookups ../example/B0R5N0.fasta /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/dompdb/


sbatch run_parse_cath.sh

python Applications/bioserf/slurm_helper_scripts/submitter.py /home/camp/buchand/working/genome3d/Genome3D.2017-09-05/all_fasta $HOME/Applications/bioserf/slurm_helper_scripts/run_parse_cath.sh

  1. Do Modelling

export PYTHONPATH=~/bin/modeller9.17/modlib:~/bin/modeller9.17/lib/x86_64-intel8/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/bin/modeller9.17/lib/x86_64-intel8/

for i in ``ls *.py| sed -e 's/\.py//'``; do echo $i; ~/bin/modeller9.17/bin/mod9.17 $i.py; done;

for i in ``ls *.ali | sed -e 's/\.ali//'``; do echo $i; ../bin/rewrite_modeller.pl ./ B0R5N0.mod_lookups B0R5N0.blastaligns B0R5N0.pdomaligns ../example/B0R5N0.fasta $i.ali ../bin/reformat.pl; done;


find working/genome3d/parse_cath_domth_output/ -iname "*.py" > modeller_scripts.txt split -l 9000 --numeric-suffixes=1 modeller_scripts.txt scripts_ sbatch run_modeller.sh

find working/genome3d/parse_cath_domth_output/ -iname "*.ali" | grep -v .ali.ali > ali_files.txt

split -l 10000 --numeric-suffixes=1 ali_files.txt ali_ sbatch run_rewrite.sh

<<<<<<< HEAD

Clean up files

Files that can be removed after the fact:


find . -name ".pgt.log" -name ".pdt.log" -o -name ".blast" -o -name ".iter3.mtx" -o -iname ".ter3.chk" -o -name ".output" -o -name ".ss" -o -name ".ss2" -o -name ".fsa" -o -name ".horiz" -type -f -delete


Clear out as many of the modeller files as we can *.ini *.sch *.rsr *.D00000001 *.V99990001What

  1. Move final models to final dir and upload to Applications
