
The scripts for the word2vec embedding paper

Primary LanguagePython

Source Data

uniprot_trembl and id mappings from uniprot May 2017 interpro 63

Data file generation:

Original data file location @ UCL



Scripts and their order

In theory if you run these scripts in order you will regenerate the word2vec model. (good luck!)

  1. run pfilt for CC and LC over all of uniprot
    SCRIPT: parse_masked_regions.py
    parse the fasta files which have been masked for lc and cc sequence and output dummy interpro-like domain regions maskedregions.dat
  2. retrieve the disorder region assignments from interpro
    SCRIPT: parse_match_complete.py
    parse the interpro match_complete.xml to extract all the MOBIDB disorder regions
  3. retrieve the pfam assignments from interpro
    parse the interpro file to remove only the pfam
  4. assign the NCBI taxonomy information to the uniprot IDs
    SCRIPT: map_taxonomy.py open the uniprot and ncbi tax data and add the taxa_id and kingdom to the pfam assignments
  5. Use domain, masked and disorder regions to extract only eukaryotic proteins.
    SCRIPT: extract_eukaryotic_proteins.py
  6. Build the domain regions set
    SCRIPT: combine_domains.py
    reads disorder_regions_taxonomy.dat and masked_regions_taxonomy.dat then interleaves these with protein2ipr_pfam_taxonomy.dat
    combined_domains_E.dat (29,277,053 annoated segments)
  7. Resolve domain region overlaps
    SCRIPT: winnow_domains.py
    reads the combined_domains_E.dat and outputs a smaller file which resolves any overlaps. Pfam domains take precedence over disorder, lc and cc regions Disorder is kept in favour of lc and cc. cc is kept in favour of lc. If Pfam domains conflict the longer one is kept.
    final_domains_E.dat (25,776,649 annotated segments)
  8. Make pseudo-sentence strings
    SCRIPT: construct_word2vec_strings.py
    Run through the final_domains_E.dat and produce the word2 vec strings
    word2vec_input_E.dat (9,030,650 sentences)
  9. Build embedding
    SCRIPT: build_vectors_word2vec.py
    read the word2vec_input.dat sentences and train word2vec, word2vec training min_count=0, size=x? default 100
    PRODUCES: word2vec.model
  10. get distances
    SCRIPT: get_distance.py
    read the gensim model and output the distance matrix produced
    PRODUCES: word2vev_E.similarity - cosine similarity matrix
  11. annotate the pfam stuff
    SCRIPT: annotate_pfam_go.py
    read in interpro2go to get ipr to GO mapping. Read in protein2ipr to map uniprot to go via ipr lastly read final_domains_E.dat to work out which GO terms can be associated with which pfam domains
    PRODUCES: pfam_go_mapping.csv


These scripts did various bits and pieces of the embedding topology analysis for the paper itself. WARNING POSSIBLY THERE ARE SOME MISSING SCRIPTS (or maybe 7 and 8 are calculated when 6 is run)

  1. get the pfam domain list and extract the DUFs
    used grep to produce /scratch1/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/pfam/DUF_list.txt and /scratch1/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/pfam/PfamID_list.txt
  2. Select 1,000 NON-duf domains
    select_random_pfams.py takes the lists and outputs 1,000 pfam domains
  3. score what the accuracy would be if we didn't know their GO goterms on a gensims nearest neighbour basis. scrub final_domains_E.dat for all possible EUK pfam domains that COULD be predicted
  4. calculate_nn_accuracy.py - aggregates data and calculates the precision, and hit rate
    summarise_accuracy.R - total the accuracy scores we counted up
  5. Annotate DUFs
    annotate_dufs.py takes the distance matrix and finds the nearest neighbour to each duf and outputs the putative annotations K=1. produces duf_annotations.csv
  6. do_vector_algebra.py takes the model outputs and finds some pfam top twenty minus VECTOR which result in possibly interesting
    algebra_output.csv - list of domain, minus domain that results in a 3rd domain and the distance
  7. test_algebra_output.py - Takes the allgebra_output.csv and test if the GO term bags makes sense with regards sets of GO terms domain1 -domain2 = domain3 therefor, to what extent is GoSet1 - GoSet2 = GoSet3? When GOSet2 and GoSet3 are greater than 0 subtracting domains typically goes to a a domain that has little GO overlap with domain1 or domain2
  8. test_algebra_transforms.py - take 2 vectors A and B, find the vector C that maps A to B (B-A). If A and B have mutually exclusive GO go_terms are the vectors C that do the mapping similar?
Cellular component
Nucleus -> Cytoplasm
GO:0005634 -> GO:0005737

Intracellular -> extracellular
GO:0005622 -> GO:0005615

Transmembrane -> cytoplasmic
GO:0009279 -> GO:0005737

outputs transform_angles.csv - contains all against all angles of the vectors for the closest transform from type A to B

  1. search_good_low_angle_examples.py
    Take transform_angles.csv find examples with very low angles (< 1). Then search domain corpus to see if we can find two proteins that have those two domains. IDEALLY with the other domains being the same.


Some other bits of analysis or chart drawing for the paper that aren't algebra_output the embedding

  1. calculate gap distribution over the uniprot pfam assignments information used in construct_word2vec_strings.py
    calculate_gaps.py - protein2ipr_pfam_taxonomy.dat protein assignments and output a list of the gap lengths
  2. build look up of which pfam domain to which clade
    SCRIPT: get_pfam_taxa_lookup.py
    parse protein2ipr_pfam_taxonomy.dat outputs PF to clade lookup
    PRODUCES: Pfam2clade.csv
  3. parse the uniprot_trembl.dat to get a list of uniprot IDS to goterms and their evidence codes
  4. Get the OBO and GOA file that (probably) matches our interpro release run, likely goa_uniprot_all.gaf.164
    SCRIPT: goa_euk_only.py
    removes all archaea and bacterial entries from our GOA gaf file
    PRODUCES: goa_uniprot_all.gaf.164_euk
  5. Install fastsemsim to python2, use it to generate all the semantic similarities for all pairs of eukaryotci GOA terms. based on interpro2go file @ 2017/03/07 Which are the annotations from quick go which map to
% source /scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/python2/bin/activate
% fastsemsim --ontology_type GeneOntology --ontology_file /scratch1/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/GO/gene_ontology.obo --query_ss_type term --tss Lin --query_input ontology --remove_nan --cut 0.0001  --output_file euk_go_pfam_ss.txt --ac_file /scratch1/NOT_BACKED_UP/dbuchan/GO/goa_uniprot_all.gaf.164_euk
  1. calculate distribution of # of domains with x many GO terms
    read in the pfam_go_mapping.csv output counts
  2. calculate average semantic similarity between GO and PFAM
  3. summary_stats.py
    calculate the number of euk proteins, GO terms and PFam domains we see

AFTER REVIEWERS Comments. Redoing the following steps

Some scripts and things that were changed, added or run again in response to reviewer comments

  1. calculate_region_counts.py - fraction of interpro sequences which are gap, domain, etc...
    outputs: assignment_statistics.csv
  2. count_gap_classes.py - total up the number of proteins that have at least one of X gap count_gap_classes
    outputs: gap_class_populations.csv
  3. count_go_distribution - read the pfam to go assignments and spit out go_counts.txt
    draw_go_counts.R - outputs histogram or less than 250
  4. calculate_average_depth.pl - Take the DUF assignments we made and calculate the distance from root for each term (for histogram) and the average depth. Also edit_obo.py to output a version of the obo where MF has no 'relationship: part_of' links to BP.
    outputs: duf_annotation_depths.csv
    draw_depth_histogram.R - calculates the mean depth and the distribution
  5. calculate_transition_table.py - calculate markov chain transitions outputs
    outputs: first_order_tranistion_counts.csv - counts of all the transitions
    first_order_transition_probs.csv - probabilities of the transitions
  6. calculate_markov_distances.py - opens markov probability matrices and calculates distances between pairs of domains.
    outputs: domain_markov_distance_matrix.csv
  7. repurpose calculate_nn_accuracy.py to output stats for markov process. e.g: python3 calculate_nn_accuracy.py 1 molecular_function > nn1_markov_accuracy_mf.csv repurpose summarise_accuracy.R - total the accuracy scores we counted up