
An EXIF tag reader written in Dart for browser applications based on Exif.js

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Dart module to decode Exif data from jpeg files.

Dart port based on Exif.js: https://github.com/exif-js/exif-js/


Depend on it

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:


Install it

You can install packages from the command line:

$ pub get


Simple example:

// Add this to have the Rational class too:
// import "package:package:exifdart/exifdart.dart";

// We are not using that in this example, this alone will do fine:
import "package:package:exifdart/exifdart_html.dart";
import "dart:html";

/// Returns the orientation value or `null` if no EXIF or no orientation info
/// is found.
Future<int> getOrientation(Blob blob) async {
  if (blob.type == "image/jpeg") {
    Map<String, dynamic> tags = await readExifFromBlob(blob);
    return tags["Orientation"];

  return null;

void main() {

void registerChangeHandler(InputElement input) {
  input.onChange.listen((Event e) {
    for (File f in input.files) {
      getOrientation(f).then((int orientation) {
        window.console.log("Orientation for ${f.name} is ${orientation}");