
Safari Live Training - Python Requests

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status

Safari Live Training - Getting Started with Python requests

Source code for the training course. Please contact me with any questions. Before beginning, be sure you know how to use git at a basic level on your computer (Windows, Mac OS, or Linux).

Contact information:
Email: njrusmc@gmail.com
Twitter: @nickrusso42518

Download Instructions

The easiest way to consume this code is to clone it using SSH or HTTPS.

SSH: git clone git@github.com:nickrusso42518/slt-py-requests.git


HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/nickrusso42518/slt-py-requests.git

After cloning, you should see the following file system structure:

$ tree
|-- Makefile
|-- README.md
|-- basic_get.py
|-- basic_log.py
|-- cache_control.py
|-- data_ref
|   |-- README.md
|   |-- cache_control_log.txt
|   |-- get_all_pokemon_1.json
|   |-- get_all_pokemon_2.json
|   |-- get_all_pokemon_3.json
|   |-- get_all_pokemon_4.json
|   |-- get_all_pokemon_5.json
|   |-- get_bulbasaur.json
|   |-- get_cisco_sdwan_devices.json
|   |-- get_ivysaur.json
|   |-- get_nick_website.html
|   |-- get_some_pokemon.json
|   |-- get_venusaur.json
|   `-- session_test_log.txt
|-- get_all_pokemon.py
|-- get_cisco_sdwan_devices.py
|-- get_some_pokemon.py
|-- print_response.py
|-- redirect_automatic.py
|-- redirect_manual.py
|-- requirements.txt
`-- session_test.py

Ensure you have Python 3.6 or newer installed along with pip.

Visit https://www.python.org/downloads/ to download Python.

sudo python -m ensurepip


sudo easy_install pip

No need to install any packages via pip; this is done during the course.

To get setup, first run make setup which will install the required Python packages and create the resp/ directory. Failing to take this step could result in errors later in the course.

Optionally, run make to run a full suite of testing on the code to ensure everything works. After a fresh git clone there should be no errors.


This repository contains several scripts which are detailed in the course. Below is a summary of each one:

  • basic_get.py: Trivial script to test Python requests
  • basic_log.py: Trivial script to test Python requests with logging enabled
  • cache_control.py: Use a variety of URLs to test caching options
  • session_test.py: Show the benefits of using a long-lived TCP session
  • get_cisco_sdwan_devices.py: Authenticate to Cisco SD-WAN and get devices
  • get_some_pokemon.py: Collect a subset of pokemon and their details
  • get_all_pokemon.py: Collect all pokemon using HTTP pagination
  • print_response.py: Helper function to quickly print HTTP responses
  • redirect_automatic.py: Automatically follows HTTP redirects
  • redirect_manual.py: Manually follows HTTP redirects


A GNU Makefile with phony targets is used for testing this codebase. There are currently three steps:

  • setup: Installs required Python packages in the requirements.txt file using pip. Creates resp/ directory.
  • lint: Runs Python linter (pylint) and code formatter (black). This captures any syntax or styling errors with the code.
  • run: Runs all of the Python scripts described in the "Usage" section.
  • clean: Removes any *.pyc files and all files in the resp/ directory. circle classes. This ensures the methods in each classes are operating correctly.

You can run make or make all to run all the testing in series when doing manual regression testing from the shell. As mentioned earlier in the README, this is a good idea after first cloning the repository.