
Javascript library to perform timer operations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple javascript library to perform timer operations. It is useful to perform operations repeatedly or at a perticular time.

##Setup Include the bus.js to your page

<script type="text/javascript" src="bus.js"></script>

##Initialization After including the library, start the bus to run it.


##Load Handlers After starting the bus we need to load the handlers to get triggered at perticular time

  console.log(Bus.time.to('sec'); //will get triggered at every second and show the seconds.

#Customize You can customize the Bus frequencey ie times per second.

Bus.start(10); //Bus trigs 10 times a second

#Options List of handler options are given below

Bus.every(time, function(){}); //will get triggered each time
Bus.at(time, function()); //will get triggered at the time
Bus.from(time, function()); //will get triggered from the time
Bus.till(time, function()); //well get triggered till the time
Bus.between(from_time, to_time, function(){}); //will get triggered in between the times

List of times

Bus.time.mil //milli second
Bus.time.sec //second
Bus.time.min //minute

List of time checkers

if(Bus.time.isSec()){} //true for every sec
if(Bus.time.isSec(10)){} //true for every 10th sec
if(Bus.time.isMin()){} //true for every min
if(Bus.time.isMin(10)){} //true for every 10th min
if(Bus.time.isSecOnce(10)){} //true for first 10th sec
if(Bus.time.isMinOnce(10)){} //true for first 10 min

Pause the bus
