
Fast ring-buffer deque (double-ended queue) for your data types through Golang generics.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains a generics-enabled version of gammazero/deque, an extremely fast ring-buffer deque (double-ended queue) implementation.

By using cheekybits/genny, concrete deque implementations for most data types can be generated. The generated implementation uses the concrete data type in all method signatures as well as for the underlying storage (a slice: []YourType). Static (compile-time) type-safety avoids panics at runtime and leads to simpler calling code as well as editor typeahead support. More compiler optimisations can be applied, improving performance and efficiency.

Generating Deque Implementations


  1. cheekybits/genny is installed and the genny binary is available in the PATH.

    go get github.com/cheekybits/genny
  2. This genny-deque repository has been cloned to a genny-deque sub-directory.

    git clone https://github.com/pskopnik/genny-deque.git

All the following commands generate a deque implementation which stores elements of type MyJobType:

# Print implementation to stdout
genny -in=genny-deque/deque.go gen "ValueType=MyJobType"
# Write implementation to file
genny -in=genny-deque/deque.go -out=myjobtypedeque_gen.go gen "ValueType=MyJobType"
# Customise package
genny -in=genny-deque/deque.go -out=myjobtypedeque_gen.go -pkg=mypkgname gen "ValueType=MyJobType"

Integrating into a Project's Repository

genny-deque can be integrated cleanly into a project by leveraging the go generate mechanism. The mechanism allows generating deque implementations for custom types using standard tooling, thus providing a clear interface for developers. It also makes the generating process more easily repeatable.

To achieve repeatability, the generic genny-deque code must be included in the project's repository at a fixed version. The recommended way to achieve this is by adding a git submodule.

# Init is only required to be run once for a repository
git submodule init
# Clone genny-deque and add as a submodule to the containing repository
git submodule add https://github.com/pskopnik/genny-deque.git

To update the generic genny-deque code, the submodule

# Change into the submodule repository
cd genny-deque
# Pull the latest commits
git pull
# Change back into the containing repository
cd ..
# Add the change (new commit) to the git index
git add genny-deque

Whenever changes to the submodules have been pushed, other contributors must update their local submodules after pulling. See the Pro Git Book: Submodules section for more information on how to work with submodules.

git submodule update

To integrate with go generate, the generating command has to be included in a Go source file using a special comment. The comment can be added to any Go file in the module. Recommended is either the file containing the custom type to be stored by the deque or a file solely containing the comment. For more information on go generate see the related blog post.

For example, to create a deque implementation storing elements of type MyJobType, the following file myjobtypedeque.go can be created:

package mypkgname

//go:generate genny -in=genny-deque/deque.go -out=myjobtypedeque_gen.go -pkg=mypkgname gen "ValueType=MyJobType"

To generate the deque implementation, run go generate:

go generate


genny-deque is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE). gammazero/deque is licensed under the MIT License as well (see LICENSE.deque).


You are welcome to contribute to genny-deque through its GitHub repository, either by creating an issue, or by proposing code changes through the Pull Request system.

Changes to the deque implementation should be proposed on the gammazero/deque repository. Feel free to also create an issue in this repository for tracking the status of the contribution.