
Offline music classification based on audiofeatures

Primary LanguagePython


Automatic music classification for humans



-e <feature> calculate feature, rewrite feature file

-u update base (add new songs)

-r rebuild base (recalculate all features)

-t calculate features for reference playlist (from music/tags/)


-t <tag> most relevant bands and songs for choosed tag

-p <tag> generate .m3u file of top songs for choosed tag; playlist saved in data/playlists/

-a <artist> tag relevancy values for artist

-f <tag> most important features for choosed tag

-s <tag1><sign><tag2> most relevant bands and songs for two tags combination; supported signs: "+", "-"

-d <artist> most important features for choosed artist

Avaliable tags

classical, dance, electronic, happy, melancholia, rock, sad, trash

Basic extracted features

  1. bpm
  2. autocorrelation
  3. zero-crossing
  4. onset_strength
  5. onset_regular
  6. centroid
  7. volume
  8. spectral flux
  9. spectral contrast
  10. spectral std
  11. spectral median
  12. spectral bandwidth
  13. spectral rolloff
  14. cepstral coefficients (n=10)


Classifiers trained with reference playlist data (data/features/tags/) Default path for your songs: music/favourite/. Repository has precalculated features for reference and sample songs.

Classification algorithm is gradient boosting. Feature selection algorithm is recursive feature elimination (RFE).