
This is the open-source myoelectric prosthetic hand we developed, Tact.

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This is the open-source myoelectric prosthetic hand, Tact. Please cite our corresponding research paper: "Tact: Design and performance of an open-source, affordable, myoelectric prosthetic hand" (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53d016d6e4b0e86a1a65f38a/t/556bbaece4b01a352bb1fa94/1433123564061/Slade2015.pdf).

This project was developed by Patrick Slade through the Bretl Research Lab at UIUC. It consists of a myoelectric prosthetic hand design that can be easily rapid prototyped with 3D printers and common mechanical components. This allows it to be produced as a complete myoelectric system for less than $250.

For complete parts lists and assembly instructions see the assembly pdf file.