
My solution to the assessment given to me by Nike

Primary LanguageHCL


Nike Assessment infra repo

EKS Cluster

The EKS cluster is deployed using Terraform. If code is pushed to the repo it will automatically get deployed. State is saved in S3. Locks are done in DynamoDB. AWS access if configured via environmental variables.

If you want to run terraform localy make sure to set the following variables:


If these are set you deploy manually with the following command

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Application deployment

Currently four application get deployed to the cluster

  • Airflow
  • Clusterautoscaler
  • Nginx ingress controller
  • External-dns

They all get deployed using Helm. Configuration per application can be found in kubernetes/APPLICATION_NAME

Pushing to the repo will trigger a deploy/update of the applications.

If you want to run locally you can execute make in the kubernetes/APPLICATION_NAME directory. If you want to deploy all application at once run make in kubernetes directory.

Github Actions

The cluster and application are automatically deployed using Github Action. The cluster is first build and if that succeeds the applications are getting deployed.

Pipeline configuration can be found at .github/actions

Airflow DAG's

Airflow checks https://github.com/pslijkhuis/dags for new DAG's and add them to Airflow.