
Ruby on Rails 5 application with Model/View/Controller and Create/Read/Update/Destroy

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby on Rails5 Example App called "Films List"

demonstrates Model/View/Controller and Create/Read/Update/Delete

  • ready for Heroku deploy
    • local use of mysql
    • heroku use of postgres
  • Films controller with actions
    • create(post) film
    • new(get) film
    • show(get) film
    • edit(get) film
    • update(patch/put) film
    • destroy(delete) film
  • views for get requests
    • _filmform.html.erb
    • edit.html.erb
    • index.html.erb
    • new.html.erb
    • show.html.erb

To Run Locally

Clone the repo, then alter the permissions so Rails can write folders

$ sudo chmod -R 777 Rails5-app-example-with-MVC-and-CRUD

Download the gems

$ cd Rails5-app-example-with-MVC-and-CRUD
$ bundle --without production

Next do the following which will create db/migrate/schema.rb

$ rake db:migrate    

Then start the server

$ rails server

Use browser to visit http://localhost:3000

To Run on Heroku

Create the heroku app, initialize git and add the git remote, package up a commit then

$ git push heroku master

Extremely important: the following must be one once (or after any models change)

$ heroku run rake db:migrate