
Python package for dealing with ogame statistics API.

Primary LanguagePython


This library is design to provide sane abstractions over OGame statistics API to ease the process of creating parallel fetcher.


import ogapi

# create communities and let ogapi fetch their server lists
communities = [ogapi.Community(c) for c in ['pl', 'de', 'fr', 'en', 'us']]

# Community objects are iterables over their server lists
for server in ogapi.Community('pl'):

# to generate all resources using endpoints
endpoints = [ogapi.endpoint.players, ogapi.endpoint.alliances]

for server in chain(*communities):
    for resource in server.resources(endpoints):

Using ogapi you can easily create very simple concurrent scrapper of xml files.

import ogapi

# ogapi lets you easily scrap all communities and its servers
communities = [ogapi.Community(c, s) for c, s in ogapi.scrap.all()]

resources = (
    resource for resource
    in chain(*s.resources(endpoints) for s in chain(*communities))

for response in ogapi.utils.parallel(resources, ogapi.utils.get):