
Technical Assesment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple NodeJS project that binds two cat images together with texts of your choice. This uses Cat as a Service (https://cataas.com).

How Bindr works

  1. Fetches an image of a cat with some custom text
  2. Fetches an image of another cat with some more custom text
  3. Binds these images together into one image
  4. Saves the resulting image as a file

How to run Bindr

When running Bindr, users can input following properties.

  • greeting - Greeting text
  • who - Name text
  • width - Width of the image
  • height - Height of the image
  • color - Color of the text
  • size - Size of the text

Run with defaults

You can run the Bindr by running npm start command.

Running with custom inputs

If you want to pass custom inputs for different properties, you can run bindr as follows.


  • Custom greeting text - node index.js --greeting welcome
  • Text color blue - node index.js --color Blue

Running tests

Run the command npm test

Running with Docker

  • Build the docker image with docker build . -t <user-alias>/bindr
  • Run a docker container with the built image docker run -p 49160:3000 -d <user-alias>/bindr
  • Check the image generated by entering the container instance docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash