Stupid(Lucky) Spotify

The initial idea behind Stupid Spotify is to create an interface that generats playlists based on stupid criteria, for instance, creating a playlist based on which date the song was released, the birthdate of an artist, or any other interesting aspect of the metadata that doesn’t have any correlation to song coherence.

But while we developed, we found it's impossible for us to do this function cause Spotify doesn't have these search property on it's API endpoint. Also, it only gives 20 results per serching.

At last, we decided to do another function: searching by Lucky Word (get from random word API). It should also be a way of discovering new music in ways that are not supposed to be.

This is the final project for the course DH2642 Interaction Programming and the Dynamic Web given at KTH during the spring of 2023.

Getting started


To run the development server:

yarn dev

Environment variables

To get the application working correctly make a copy of .env.example called .env and fill out the fields.

Variable Default Purpose
NEXTAUTH_URL http://localhost:3000 URL of the host
NEXTAUTH_SECRET See the NextAuth documentation
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID Id of the Spotify application
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET Spotify application access key


In order to access Spotify's API you need to create an application in their developer dashboard. After having created the app you get access to the client id and client secret that you can use to access the Spotify API. Put these in the .env and don't share them!

You also need to add users that are allowedto sign in to the application. This can be done in the user management tab. Use the email that's linked to the persons Spotify account.


In order to be able to authenticate need to add a callback URI under Redirect URIs on the Spotify dashboard.

The URI should be on the format <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>/api/auth/callback/spotify (note: the port is optional).

For local development the URI would be http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/spotify.


The recommended way to deploy is on Vercel. For more information on how to deploy see

Make sure to add the correct redirect URI to the Spotify dashboard (see above).

Note: When deploying on Vercel NEXTAUTH_URL can be omitted.



This project is using NextJS. For more information on features and such see their documentation.


Install Yarn by following the instructions on their website.

Since this project is using Plug'n'Play an editor SDK is required for TypeScript intellisense to work. For instruction on how to do that see the documentation.


This project also uses husky for pre-commit linting and formating.

A quirk of how it's currently implemented is that it stages ALL files after linting and formating, even if they were not staged to begin with.

The recommended way to solve this is by stashing the files you do not wish to commit (git stash -- <path/to/file>) prior to commiting.

A not so recommended way to circumvent this is by commiting with the --no-verify flag. This skips running the pre-commit script.

Tailwind CSS

The project uses Tailwind CSS for styling. For more information and documentation see the documentation.

Also make sure that you have the recommended plugins installed.


In order for users to make requests to the Spotify API they have to be authenticated. This is done using NextAuth.

More information and documentation can be found here.


The structure of the src/ directory can be broken down like this:

├── components  // different components that's used in the application
├── hooks       // contains hooks
├── modules     // contains modules. Modules are larger components.
├── pages       // contains the different pages
   └── api     // contains the applications api
├── styles      // global styling
├── types       // contains our custom types
└── util        // utility functions

An explanation of the different components can be seen below.

Some other interesting files and folders are:

  • public/: icons and public assets
  • docs/: documentation
  • .husky: commit hooks
  • .yarn\*, .pnp*: dependency management
  • .eslint*, .prettier*: code linting and formating
  • .editorconfig, .vscode/, .idea/: editor configuration
  • .env.example: environment variables
  • next.config.js: NextJS configuration
  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration
  • tailwind.config.js, postcss.config.js: Tailwind configuration