Vanilla GAN PyTorch

Implement Vanilla GAN architecture using PyTorch.


  • The generator and discriminator were implemented in PyTorch, wherein each use 4 linear layers.
  • The GAN architecture was trained on MNIST handwriting dataset.
  • The generator is fed with 128 dimension noise input and it generates 28x28 grayscale handwriting data consisting of digits.


  • To train the model with the default configurations, run the command: python3
  • To change the epochs, batch size, patience, run the command with necessary arguments.
    Example: python3 --epochs=100 --batch_size=128 patience=10
  • After training, the generator model and discriminator model with the best loss will be saved at ./checkpoints/ and ./checkpoints/ respectively.
  • Sample generated images and loss plots of training are stored in the folder ./results/


  • The model converged around 100 epochs, generating adeqaute images resembling the original dataset.
  • The loss plot during the training phase is as follows:
    Loss plot
  • Generation of images over the epochs can be visualized as:
    Sample generated images