- Emulates ZX Spectrum models 16k, 48k, 128k, +2 and +2a
- Uses the same Z80 core as Z80Core project.
- Contended memory emulation.
- Border effects (Aquaplane, The Sentinel)
- Selectable border size (no border, standard, complete, huge)
- High resolution color effects (Uridium, Black Lamp)
- Emulation for screen scanlines, PAL effect or RGB monitor
- Floating bus emulation (Arkanoid, Sidewize, Cobra)
- Beeper & MIC emulation (Cobra's Arc)
- Read/Write SNA/Z80/SP/SZX snapshot formats
- LOAD/SAVE Tape files in TAP/TZX/CSW formats
- Emulates Kempston, Sinclair 1/2, Cursor AGF, Fuller joysticks using keyboard cursor keys.
- AY-3-8910 PSG emulation, including Fuller Audio Box, with Mono & Stereo ABC/ACB/BAC modes.
- Interfaz I with up to 8 Microdrives, using real emulation when using MDV files.
- Interfaz II ROM emulation.
- Multiface One/128/Plus 3 emulation
- ULA+ mode support (up to 64 colors on screen)
- LEC Memory expansion, up to 528 KB, to use LEC CP/M v2.2, using Microdrives as storage
- Window can be maximized up to x4.
- Selectable emulation speed up to x10 (35 Mhz CPU)
- Translations to English, Spanish & Italian
- Complete command line support, to integrate JSpeccy with front-ends.
You need to have installed Java 8. Run with:
java -jar JSpeccy.jar
A configuration file named JSpeccy.xml will be created on the user directory.
On Unix/Linux platforms using X11, Java 8 have a bug redrawing the screen. Java 8 use the XRender extension by default and this causes some problems. To resolve it, you can test two possible solutions. First, you can add the option:
java -Dsun.java2d.opengl=True -jar JSpeccy.jar
that uses the OpenGL backend. This solution can be problematic when don't exist a good OpenGL driver or X11 is using Mesa. With these case you can use:
java -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false -jar JSpeccy.jar
If you are using Java 9 you need to add another startup option:
java --add-modules jdk.xml.bind -jar JSpeccy.jar
in Java 9 the Swing redrawing bug exist too, and you can need any of the previous solutions (sigh!).
Web: JSpeccy (only in Spanish, I'm sorry)