
Pipeline for WGS assembly using hybrid methods

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Pipeline for de novo WGS assembly beginning with a hybrid (long and short-read) method.

The intent of this script is not to have a complete and annotated genome by the end, it is intended to produce high quality WGS contigs (as described by the NCBI here) which are the first step in assembling a genome. By the end of this pipeline you should have a FASTA file of sufficient quality for a submission.

This pipeline relies on several tools:

  1. Minimap2 - long read aligner (v2.22)
  2. MaSuRCA - de novo hybrid assembler (v4.0.9)
  3. Ragtag - Genome assembly toolkit (v2.1.0)
  4. Liftoff - Genome annotation mapping (lift over with no chain hassle)
  5. BUSCO - Genome assembly QC (v5.3.0)
  6. mugio.py - Long read toolkit (v1.7)

The flow of information is:

[Long + short reads] -> (MaSuRCA) -> [Raw Scaffolds] -> (Ragtag) -> [Corrected Scaffolds], [QC]
  [Corrected Scaffolds] -> (Ragtag) -> [QC]
  [Corrected Scaffolds] -> (BUSCO) -> [QC]
  [Corrected Scaffolds] -> (mugio.py) -> [Relabelled Scaffolds]

Setting default parameters:

Here we set declare the locations for both MaSuRCA and mugio.py, it is assumed the other programs can be invoked in your environment by name if correctly intalled.



Example script

One example script would be:

# set variables for a single genome
strain=DGY1734 #for the name in ont and outpath
  # masurca always outputs the primary scaffold file in this location
  # ragtag always outputs the corrected scaffolds in this location
	mkdir -p ${outpath}
	cd ${outpath}
  #Masurca builds assemblies
	${masurca} \
		-t 32 \
		-i ${read_1},${read_2} \
		-r ${ont} \
		-o ${outpath}
	#Some assemblies will have errors that cross the wrong centromere, telomeres, or transposons
  # ragtag correct will identify these and break them back down to smaller contigs
	ragtag.py correct -t 4 ${ref_fa} ${scf_pri} \
		-R ${ont} \
		-T ont --remove-small -u -w \
		-o ${outpath}/ragtag
  # For submission mitochondria and chromosomes need to be identified
  # Liftoff will generate a new GFF using a minimap2 enabled lookup from the reference genome
	liftoff ${scf_fix} \
		${ref_fa} -g ${gff} \
		-copies -sc 0.75 \
		-o ${outpath}/liftoff.txt
  # mugio then parses the liftoff gff and corrects the ragtag corrected scaffolds
  # it will relabel mitochondrial sequences and chromosomes with 90% chromosome match
  # if a chromosome only has a single contig it will be correctly designated 
  # contig names will be abbreviated for submission (<= 50 characters)
	python ${mugio} --assign_from_lift_off \
		-gff ${gff} \
		-lift_gff ${outpath}/liftoff.txt \
		-f ${scf_fix} \
		--minimum 90 -organism "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" -isolate ${strain} -mito NC_001224.1 \
		-o ${outpath}/${strain}_submission
  # busco will produce a score of deeply conserved CDS present within the assembly
	busco -i ${outpath}/ragtag/ragtag.correct.fasta -l saccharomycetes_odb10 -o ${outpath}/busco_${strain} -m genome > ${outpath}/busco_${strain}_results.txt
  # Ragtag's asmstats will calculate the number of contigs (n), the total bases, and N50
	ragtag.py asmstats ${outpath}/ragtag/ragtag.correct.fasta > ${outpath}/asmstats_${strain}_results.txt


QC should be evaluated for each assembly as the complexity of the CNV structures will dictate the utility of the results. However, a good hueristic would be a BUSCO score > 90%, median depth > 15x, and an N50 > genome_size/300 (adapted from Jung et al. 2019 and Jung et al. 2020)

Final scaffolds will be available in the ${outpath}/${strain}_submission location