
CyberArk DPA API PowerShell Module

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT



IdentityCommand.DPA is a PowerShell module that provides a set of easy-to-use commands, allowing you to interact with the API for a CyberArk Dynamic Privileged Access from within the PowerShell environment.

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Using the Module

The module requires authentication to the CyberArk Identity platform using the IdentityCommand module.

The IdentityCommand module must be installed and available in order to use IdentityCommand.DPA.

An overview of some of the features of the module are found in the below sections.

DPA Authentication

After authentication to an Identity tenant using the IdentityCommand module, the Connect-DPATenant command is used to initialise a bearer token to be used for module operations against the DPA service:

Connect-DPATenant -tenant_url https://sometenant.dpa.cyberark.cloud

DPA Connections

The Connect-DPATarget command can be use to initiate DPA connections to targets.


SSH connections to targets using the DPA zero standing privilege method can be achieved with the following example:

Connect-DPATarget -SSH -targetAddress someserver.somedomain.com

SSH connections to targets using vaulted credentials follow a similar pattern:

Connect-DPATarget -SSH -targetAddress sometarget.somedomain.com -targetUser someuser -targetDomain somedomain

For SSH connections to succeed, an SSH client must be available from the terminal in which the command is being executed.


Connect-DPATarget can also request RDP files which can be used to connected through he DPA gateway, the following example facilitates a zero standing privilege RDP connection:

Connect-DPATarget -RDP -targetAddress someserver.somedomain.com

Vaulted credentials can also be used for RDP connections, as shown in the below example:

Connect-DPATarget -RDP -targetAddress sometarget.somedomain.com -targetUser someuser -targetDomain somedomain

DPA Policies

DPA recurring access policies can be created after defining PowerShell objects to help create the policy configuration.

A number of helper functions are included in the module which can be used to provide the required data to the New-DPAPolicy command.

A complete example to create a new policy follows:

#Create ConnectAs definitions for the policy userAccessRules
$ConnectAs1 = New-DPAPolicyConnectAsDefinition -OnPrem -assignGroups Administrators
$ConnectAs1 = New-DPAPolicyConnectAsDefinition -AWS -ssh "ec2-user" -assignGroups Administrators, "Remote Desktop Users" -connectAsDefinition $ConnectAs1
$ConnectAs2 = New-DPAPolicyConnectAsDefinition -Azure -ssh "azureuser" -connectAsDefinition $ConnectAs1
$ConnectAs2 = New-DPAPolicyConnectAsDefinition -GCP -ssh "root" -connectAsDefinition $ConnectAs2

#Create User Data definitions for the policy user AccessRules
$UserData1 = New-DPAPolicyUserDataDefinition -Role -name "DEV_TEAM_ROLE"
$UserData1 = New-DPAPolicyUserDataDefinition -Role -name "SOME_TEAM_ROLE" -UserDataDefinition $UserData1
$UserData1 = New-DPAPolicyUserDataDefinition -Group -name "DEV_TEAM_GROUP" -UserDataDefinition $UserData1
$UserData2 = New-DPAPolicyUserDataDefinition -Group -name "SOME_TEAM_GROUP" -UserDataDefinition $UserData1
$UserData2 = New-DPAPolicyUserDataDefinition -User -name SomeUser -UserDataDefinition $UserData2
$UserData2 = New-DPAPolicyUserDataDefinition -User -name SomeOtherUser -UserDataDefinition $UserData2

#Create AccessRules definitions for the policy using the ConnectAs & User Data definitions
$AccessRules = @()
$AccessRules += New-DPAPolicyUserAccessRuleDefinition -ruleName SomeAccessRule -userData $UserData1 -connectAs $ConnectAs1 -timeZone Europe/London
$AccessRules += New-DPAPolicyUserAccessRuleDefinition -ruleName AnotherAccessRule -userData $UserData2 -connectAs $ConnectAs2 -timeZone America/Costa_Rica

#Define FQDN Rules for connections to On-Prem resources
$FQDNrules = @()
$FQDNrules += New-DPAPolicyFQDNRuleDefinition -operator EXACTLY -computernamePattern SomeHost -domain SomeDomain.com
$FQDNrules += New-DPAPolicyFQDNRuleDefinition -operator WILDCARD -computernamePattern *-DEV-* -domain SomeDomain.com
$FQDNrules += New-DPAPolicyFQDNRuleDefinition -operator SUFFIX -computernamePattern '-Prod' -domain SomeDomain.com
$FQDNrules += New-DPAPolicyFQDNRuleDefinition -operator CONTAINS -computernamePattern SQL -domain SomeDomain.com
$FQDNrules += New-DPAPolicyFQDNRuleDefinition -operator PREFIX -computernamePattern DC1 -domain SomeDomain.com

#Create Provider definitions for connections to on-prem and cloud resources
$Providers = New-DPAPolicyProviderDefinition -OnPrem -fqdnRulesConjunction OR -fqdnRules $FQDNrules
$Providers = New-DPAPolicyProviderDefinition -AWS -regions "us-east-1","us-east-2" -tags @{"Key"="env";"Value"=@("prod")} -ProviderDefinition $Providers
$Providers = New-DPAPolicyProviderDefinition -Azure -regions "eastus2","eastus" -tags @{"Key"="env";"Value"=@("prod")} -ProviderDefinition $Providers
$Providers = New-DPAPolicyProviderDefinition -GCP -regions "asia-east1","us-east1" -labels @{"Key"="env";"Value"=@("prod")} -ProviderDefinition $Providers

#Create the new DPA Policy using the Provider and Access Rule definitions previously created
New-DPAPolicy -policyName SomePolicy -status Enabled -description "Some Description" -providersData $Providers -userAccessRules $AccessRules

Running the code above creates a complete policy with settings according to the parameter values.

Module Scope Variables & Command Invocation Data

The Get-DPAModuleData command can be used to return data from the module scope:

PS C:\> Get-DPAModuleData

Name                           Value
----                           -----
tenant_url                     https://abc1234.dpa.cyberark.cloud
User                           some.user@somedomain.com
WebSession                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
StartTime                      12/02/2024 22:58:13
ElapsedTime                    00:25:30
LastCommand                    System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo
LastCommandTime                12/02/2024 23:23:07
LastCommandResults             {"success":true,"Result":{"SomeResult"}}

Executing this command exports variables like the URL, Username & WebSession object for the authenticated session from IdentityCommand.DPA into your local scope, either for use in other requests outside of the module scope, or for informational purposes.

Return data also includes details such as session start time, elapsed time, last command time, as well as data for the last invoked command and the results of the previous command.

List Of Commands

The examples provided above are not exhaustive, further commands enabling configuration and administration of the DPA platform are available in the module.

The full list of commands currently available in the IdentityCommand.DPA module are detailed here:

Function Description
Connect-DPATenant Obtains a Bearer token from an authenticated IdentityCommand session for DPA
Connect-DPATarget Connect via RDP or SSH to DPA targets
Add-DPATargetSet Adds a DPA Target Set
Get-DPACertificate Get details of DPA certificates
Get-DPAConnector Get details of DPA connectors
Get-DPAConnectorSetupScript Gets setup scripts for DPA connectors
Get-DPAPolicy Gets configured DPA policies
Get-DPAModuleData Outputs data relating to the IdentityCommand.DPA module session
Get-DPASetting Get DPA settings
Get-DPASession Get DPA session diagnostic event data
Get-DPASSHPublicKey Get DPA SSH Public Keys
Get-DPAStrongAccount Get details of configured string accounts
Get-DPATargetSet Get details of configured target sets
Get-DPAResource Get details of configured resources
New-DPAPolicy Configures a new DPA recurring access policy
New-DPAPolicyConnectAsDefinition Defines ConnectAs profile for DPA policy
New-DPAPolicyFQDNRuleDefinition Defines FQDN Rules for DPA Policy
New-DPAPolicyProviderDefinition Defines Providers for DPA Policy
New-DPAPolicyUserAccessRuleDefinition Defines user access rules for DPA Policy
New-DPAPolicyUserDataDefinition Defines user data for DPA Policy
New-DPAStrongAccount Creates a new string account in DPA
Remove-DPAPolicy Deletes a DPA policy
Remove-DPAStrongAccount Deletes a DPA string account
Remove-DPATargetSet Deletes a DPA target set
Set-DPAPolicy Updates a DPA policy
Set-DPASetting Update DPA settings



  • Requires Powershell Core (recommended), or Windows PowerShell (version 5.1)
  • A CyberArk Identity tenant with the Dynamic Privileged Access service enabled
  • An Account to Access CyberArk Identity

Install Options

Users can install IdentityCommand.DPA from GitHub or the PowerShell Gallery.

Choose any of the following ways to download the module and install it:

Option 1: Install from PowerShell Gallery

This is the easiest and most popular way to install the module:

  1. Open a PowerShell prompt

  2. Run the following command:

Install-Module -Name IdentityCommand.DPA -Scope CurrentUser

Option 2: Manual Install

The module files can be manually copied to one of your PowerShell module directories.

Use the following command to get the paths to your local PowerShell module folders:


The module files must be placed in one of the listed directories, in a folder called IdentityCommand.DPA.

More: about_PSModulePath

The module files are available to download using a variety of methods:

PowerShell Gallery
  • Download from the module from the PowerShell Gallery:
    • Run the PowerShell command Save-Module -Name IdentityCommand.DPA -Path C:\temp
    • Copy the C:\temp\IdentityCommand.DPA folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.
IdentityCommand.DPA Release
  • Download the latest GitHub release
    • Unblock & Extract the archive
    • Rename the extracted IdentityCommand.DPA-v#.#.# folder to IdentityCommand.DPA
    • Copy the IdentityCommand.DPA folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.
IdentityCommand.DPA Branch
  • Download the main branch
    • Unblock & Extract the archive
    • Copy the IdentityCommand.DPA (\<Archive Root>\IdentityCommand.DPA-master\IdentityCommand.DPA) folder to your "Powershell Modules" directory of choice.


Validate Install:

Get-Module -ListAvailable IdentityCommand.DPA

Import the module:

Import-Module IdentityCommand.DPA

List Module Commands:

Get-Command -Module IdentityCommand.DPA

Get detailed information on specific commands:

Get-Help New-IDSession -Full


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All notable changes to this project will be documented in the Changelog



This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Any and all contributions to this project are appreciated.

See the CONTRIBUTING.md for a few more details.


IdentityCommand.DPA is neither developed nor supported by CyberArk; any official support channels offered by the vendor are not appropriate for seeking help with the IdentityCommand.DPA module.

Help and support should be sought by opening an issue.

Priority support could be considered for sponsors of @pspete, contact us to discuss options.
