
Adds your pocket reading list to instapaper

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Adds your pocket reading list to instapaper. Requires that you have a Pocket developer account and an instapaper account already.


  1. Sign up for a developer account at Pocket http://getpocket.com/api/signup

  2. Clone the repository with git clone git@github.com:pspeter3/pocket2instapaper.git

  3. Create a config.json file with the following

       "pocket": {
         "apikey": "YourPocketApiKey",
         "username": "YourPocketUsername",
         "password": "YourPocketPassword"
       "instapaper": {
         "username": "YourInstapaperEmail",
         "password": "YourInstapaperPassword"
  4. Run node pocket2instapaper.js


Given the speed of Node, depending on how many articles you have in pocket, you may end up being rate limited by Instapaper.