Table of Contents
Since I have only 1 day (Sunday) for this task and a few hours each day during the week, I have to choose some workarounds/quick fixes instead of production-ready solutions, some features are unstable and require more time for investigation.
- test framework: protractor@7.0.0. In case I have more time, I would like to try
cypress/puppeteer - are good for the integration tests, but these 2 cases look more like long and heavy e2e tests
and should be run with selenium based wrapper. codecept.js - I know the author of this framework (Michael Bondarchuk), he also lives in Kyiv. But (at first glance)
I do not like silly syntax with
.- protractor is installed globally just for this example, usually, it is a part of the test container (with webdriver-manager)
- components library requires time, at least 2-3 weeks to create all fragments/elements: dropdowns, inputs, more complex widget, etc.
It can be our own solution, or we can use some popular library, e.g. Page Fragments.
As a quick fix I created only high level classes and 1
as an example, it should be fixed in the future. - since it is non-angular site some additional
calls required. - some selectors should be improved.
- storing images/screenshot inside git repository is more or less ok for this small example.
- test structure. I like classic multi-layers approach, e.g.: DSL methods -> services -> REST/UI classes -> native libraries. There are a lot of variations, for example with steps-functions (used in allure).
- "Language of the webpage does not matter (you can use English or Dutch)" - verified in chrome for both English and Dutch, works ok, pages have lots of ids so it is easy to find elements.
- reporting: jasmine supports a lot of reporters, I added only
, but there is acustom-reporters
package, etc. Visual reporting: very easy choice, since there are no alternatives, Allure Report is a standard de-facto in the industry. Results will be generated after eachnpm t<:capability>
run, to generate html report runnpm run report
. See the screenshot below. - "Documentation in code" - good code should be self-explaining, also I have some comments and TODOs. In the real projects I use jsdocs.
- "Static data should be read from file" - I'm not sure that I understand correctly, what data should be read from file...
- selectors - bad idea, selector should be inside elements/fragments classes.
- input data - 50/50. sometimes it might be good, e.g. in case of gigantic inputs. But, in general, test data (input data) should be as close to test as possible, in this case, it is easy to read and understand the test scenario. Anyway, I created data directory, and it can be required in the test, it has orders data, but I didn't use it:)
- "Coverage of functional scenarios, including corner cases" - it is the only requirement I didn't understand completely:
- use cross-env module in npm scripts.
- add video recording of a tests and subtitles with the custom ffmpeg-reporter.
- use
variable to avoid relative paths. - (optional) add parameter values into allure steps descriptions.
- install protractor globally
npm i -g protractor
- Test should work on any linux/unix (CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, etc.) and Windows 10 (start from GitBash)
- node.js version v12.18.1 (or higher)
node -v
- npm version 6.14.5. (package lock will be ignored with npm v less than 5)
npm -v
- webdriver-manager (installed with protractor), run
webdriver-manager update
to get the latest versions of drivers
npm ls -g webdriver-manager
└─┬ protractor@7.0.0
└── webdriver-manager@12.1.7
# status after update
webdriver-manager status
[12:02:16] I/status - selenium standalone version available: 3.141.59 [last]
[12:02:16] I/status - chromedriver version available: 84.0.4147.30 [last]
[12:02:16] I/status - geckodriver version available: v0.27.0 [last]
[12:02:16] I/status - IEDriverServer is not present
[12:02:16] I/status - android-sdk is not present
[12:02:16] I/status - appium is not present
- Start selenium server
webdriver-manager start
- Clone repo
- Install dependencies (
npm i
) - Run test (
npm t
) - Open html report (
npm run report
git clone <path to repo>
# ...
cd takeaway-test/
npm i
# ...
npm t
# ...
npm run report
# ...
Report successfully generated to allure-report
Starting web server...
# ...
The easiest way to run test(s) with multiple/different browser(s) at the same time is to change capabilities
in protractor config and use local browsers (do not forget to run webdriver-manager update
You may not want to connect to the local browser (for example I have the only firefox nightly installed and do not want to
download and install a stable version), so the best solution will be to use Seleniod.
Steps on how to use selenoid locally are described below.
The previous solution is good just to play around, for some local runs, etc. Here are some possible solutions for the production testing:
- deploy a cluster of
or other cloud providers and manage it ourselves. - if we have more money - Moon can be used.
- if we have unlimited budget - BrowserStack and other alternatives can be used.
please note: tests pass successfully only in chrome, I see that there are some issues with firefox and chrome-headless, but I need more time to debug and fix them.
Here is the list of supported configurations:
npm t
browserName: 'chrome',
enableVNC: true,
version: '',
platform: 'ANY',
npm run test:firefox
browserName: 'firefox',
enableVNC: true,
'moz:firefoxOptions': {
prefs: {
'geo.enabled': false,
npm run test:headless-chrome
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: ['--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--window-size=1600,1200'],
npm run test:multiple
multiCapabilities: [
browserName: 'chrome',
browserName: 'firefox',
- make sure docker is installed and running on your machine.
- download and start
utility, see official instructions or download binary from the release page. During the first run it will download all necessary browser images. Rundocker images
to double check:
You can download additional browser versions if needed.
- start
.\cm selenoid-ui start
2 containers should run now:
no need to update test configs, by default tests endpoint is
. Check status:http://localhost:4444/status
docker ps
- open UI:
run your tests
- chrome run
- 2 browsers run