Informationswissenschaft Python Projekt: Music Programming Language

Primary LanguagePython


Informationswissenschaft Python Projekt: Music Programming Language


Example songs and scripts can be found in the /songs/ folder.


python3 pygame (for audio output)

What it is

IW_MPL is a first approach to a music (or audio) programming language (Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_audio_programming_languages). It is a very simple concept and only includes some basic functionality, but it is fully usable for creating and playing easy songs.

What it's not

Unlike ChucK (http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/), IW_MPL does not contain any programming logic or conditional expressions, like if or while. Basically, IW_MPL is just a small interpreted language that gets converted into notes.

How to use

A valid IW_MPL script consists of (at least) three parts:

  1. An instrument
  2. Some notes
  3. A Song

Creating an instrument

Use the Instrument keyword to create a new instrument block. IW_MPL expects to find an identifier after the Instrument keyword, like Instrument Piano. To specify your instrument, you need to encapsulate it with a block statement [ ] (everything between two square brackets is considered a block).


 Instrument Piano [
    ; your instrument details    

Adding notes

Each instrument must at least provide one list of notes, identified by the Notes keyword, also encapsulated by a block. You also need to give your notes an identifier.


Instrument Piano [
        Notes MyNotes [
            ; your notes here


Inside a notes block, you are free to write note names. Currently, IW_MPL only supports the following notes:

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 d1 d2 d3 d4 e1 e2 e3 d4 f1 f2 f3 f4 g1 g2 g3 g4 a1 a2 a3 a4 b1 b2 b3 b4

and rest . (a dot is basically just a skip-the-current-bar note)


Instrument Piano [
        Notes MyNotes [
            c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 . g3 . a3 a3 a3 a3 g3

Arranging songs

To create a song, you have to arrange a sequence of music pieces together. This can be done with the Song keyword:

Song Example [
    Piano.Intro + Harp.Intro, Harp.Intro, Piano.Chorus

where a plus sign (+) plays multiple pieces in parallel, while a comma (,) starts a new sequence.

You refer to a specific music piece by writing the instrument's name and the name of the notelist, concatenated by a dot (.).

Note: You can only play two pieces of different instruments at the same time, so you can't write Piano.Intro + Piano.Outro, for example!


Finally, use the Play keyword, to play a specific song. Example: Play Example where example is the name of the song.

Important notes

Variable names MUST start with a CAPITAL letter!

Some examples of valid variable names in IW_MPL: MyVariable NEWTYPE

Invalid variable names are note identifiers, keywords and variables not starting with a capital letter and/or containing other characters than a-z A-Z 0-9 _

Examples of invalid variable names: myVariable c3

It is also forbidden to use keywords as the beginning of a variable name, like: Instrument2

Assigning values to variables

You can assign any numeric values to a variable: MyVar: 5

You can then assign your variable to another variable: MyOtherVar: MyVar MyOtherVar will contain the value of MyVar, so 5.

Currently, IW_MPL only supports numeric values for its variables.


There are some constant values already assigned: PIANO = 1 BASS = 2 SYNTHESIZER = 3

These constants can be used as a variable for your instrument's IType variable: IType: PIANO assigns the piano instrument to your current instrument block.

However, you can modify each of your variables by prepending the const keyword, like: const MyVar: 3 A constant can only be assigned once and never changed again.


You can write comments by using a semicolon.

Note: The comment reaches until the next line break, so any code after a comment will also be ignored!

Example comment: BPM: 80 ;This is my example comment on this variable assignment