Akismet PHP 7 class
A PHP-7 class to communicate with Akismet service to determine if a submitted comment to your website should be considered spam or not.
- PHP 7.1
Run : composer require romano83/akismet
or in your composer.json file
"require": {
"romano83/akismet" : "^1.0"
Before to use it, you need an Akismet API key. Once you have one, in order to check if a comment is a spam:
use Romano83\Akismet;
$website = 'https://your-website.com'; // must be a full URI including http:// or https://
$apikey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
$akismet = new Akismet($website, $apikey);
if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
// store the comment and mark it as a spam
} else {
// store the comment normally
It's that simple!
If Akismet filter wrongly tags messages, you can use this following methods :
to submit mis-diagnosed spam and ham, which improves the system for everybody.
This class provides you a set of methods in order to add parameters for comment check or submitted spam and ham. This methods are :
- setUserIp (required)
- setUserAgent (required)
- setReferrer (note spelling)
- setPermalink
- setCommentType
- setCommentAuthor
- setCommentAuthorEmail
- setCommentAuthorUrl
- setCommentContent
- setCommentDateGmt
- setCommentPostModifiedGmt
- setBlogLang
- setBlogCharset
- setUserRole
- setIsTest
All methods return self in order to have a fluent interface.
If you want more details for each method, look at the internal documentation or follow this link.
- create a ticket in Github if you have found a bug.
- create a new branch if you want to do a PR.
- you must add testcases