
Render unknown Django model instances based on their content type.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Django Render


Django render provides a template tag that works similar to an inclusion tag, however it will attempt to use a custom template for each model. This is useful when iterating over a list of heterogeneous model instances or a queryset with generic relationships.


  1. pip install -e git+git://github.com:pstch/django-render.git#egg=django-render
  2. Add django_render to your INSTALLED_APPS

Basic Usage

Create a template for each model you want to render in render/<application_name>/<model_name>.html in your template directory. The object will be passed to the template context as render_obj.

Here is an example of how to use the tag in your templates:

{% load render %}
{% for obj in misc_object_list %}
    {% render obj %}
{% endfor %}

For advanced usage see the docstring in django_render/templatetags/render.py.


This version was modified by pstch for a quick'n'dirty fix, all credits go to Lincoln Loop !

Thanks to Jacob Kaplan-Moss' Jellyroll for the inspiration.