An extension of django's MultipleObjectMixin that provides sorting.
Based on aptivate/django-sortable-listview by Sarah Bird, forked to use a Mixin instead of a full ListView.
Requires Django 1.5 or 1.6, and Python (2.6, 2.7, 3.3).
- Works with django's built in pagination.
- Adds an arrow to show the sort direction on the active sort.
- Knows what the next sort is (i.e. if you're already sorted by title in one direction, clicking on the title button/link again will sort it in the other direction).
- Lets you specify default sort for your list (defaults to -id) and for each of the sortable fields.
- Modifies the queryset, so your database does your sorting.
Using pip::
pip install -e git+
Then, just use sortable_list.mixins.SortableListMixin
To run the example project. First make sure django and django-sortable-list are on your python path. For example, from inside a virtualenv::
pip install django
pip install django-sortable-list
Then from your cloned folder::
cd example_project
python runserver
You should be able to see the example project at localhost:8000. A database is provided with some sample content. The username and password is admin/admin
NOTE: At the moment, the example project is not up to date with django-sortable-list and will not work
To run the tests::
python test