
api to detect cards from images

Primary LanguagePython

card detection/predcition with Yolov8 model


  1. run the flask app cli: flask run
  2. confirm: curl localhost:6000/test-image-dir


  1. install nvidia-container-toolkit https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/install-guide.html

  2. build docker file base

    docker build -f Dockerfile-base -t detect-cards-base .

  3. build docker file app

    docker build -f Dockerfile-app -t detect-cards-app .

  4. run the app

    docker run 'tf_keras', 'sng4onnx>=1.0.1', 'onnx_graphsurgeon>=0.3.26', 'onnx>=1.12.0', 'onnx2tf>1.17.5,<=1.22.3', 'onnxslim>=0.1.31', 'tflite_support', 'onnxruntime' -p 5000:5000
    --gpus all

  5. call api: