
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Seed closure project

Use this seed project to kick-start a new closure project of your own.

The following assumptions are made about your environment (and if not met the seed project might nit work).

you have the following folder structure:

  • /apps/
  • /apps/pstj/ -- here a copy of the pstj library should resize, cloned from guthub
  • /compiler/ -- here should live a copy of the latest compiler named compile.jar
  • /library/ -- a copy of the closure library cloned from github
  • /stylesheets/ -- a copy of the latest stylesheet jar named closure-stylesheets.jar
  • /template/
  • /template/SoyMsgExtractor.jar
  • /template/SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar
  • /template/closure-templates-msg-extractor-latest.zip
  • /template/deps.js
  • /template/soyutils.js
  • /template/soyutils_usegoog.js

It is also assumed that you will put this project in the /apps/ directory, next to the pst library.