ScalablyTyped - The Javascript ecosystem for Scala.js!
Warning 💥 💣 😎
Beware: While these typings generally work, some details of the encoding are still subject to change. All currently published artifacts should be considered snapshots and will be deleted without notice. Expect the first stable release soon.
This is the home of Scala.js typings for 7627 Javascript libraries, which should span more or less the entire set of modern and popular libraries.
This should make it one of the biggest Scala repos on the planet with millions of lines of code
The project was introduced in a talk at flatMap(Oslo) 2019
Javascript is infamously unityped. Given a library function like this:
const add = (a, b) => a + b
A typing is a library which wraps the unityped library and enriches it with types.
def add(a: String, b: String): String = js.native
def add(a: Double, b: Double): Double = js.native
This way both users and compilers should be pretty happy! :)
We <3
- Typescript
- Scala.js
The Typescript community has done an outstanding job over the years, investing millions of hours in typing up libraries.
This project is an effort to extend this work to Scala.js.
Does it work?
In the same sense as with normal libraries, there will be subjective and objective reasons to feel that a given typing library is better or worse.
This is an automatic conversion between two very different languages. Not all idioms transfer well, some dont transfer yet, and some things will just be plain wrong.
Many of the typings will only shine with proper documentation, a good and educational demo, and some Scala sugar on top.
These are things the community can help out with over time,
there is already a process setup for contributing "sugar"
in the form of facade
libraries (see below) and demos
With that in mind, let's consider what we have now a beginning, not an end. The work on this has been a labor of love, so let's continue like that <3
How can i get started?
We recommend using sbt with scalajs-bundler and the ScalablyTyped plugin to easily keep versions in sync (more on versions below).
To see full examples head over and check out the demos!
There are demos both for frontend and backend javascript libraries, so feel free to check it out to see how it all fits together!
These should be the main steps you would have to follow:
ScalablyTyped is hosted at bintray, so make sure to include the resolver
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("oyvindberg", "ScalablyTyped")
addSbtPlugin("org.scalablytyped" % "sbt-scalablytyped" % "201909240530")
/* reference the typing library */
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(ScalablyTyped.D.d3),
/* If the library is typed up in `DefinitelyTyped` (has `-dt-` in the version string) you'll also need this.
* The reason why is that versions strings there are just comments, and frequently wrong. Automatically including
* that would break your build.
npmDependencies in Compile ++= Seq("d3" -> "5.5.0"),
The version of the typing normally includes the relevant version of the library,
so you can often "go to definition" and see what you should put in npmDependencies
The sbt plugin itself is nothing except for a bunch of versions guaranteed to be in sync
object D {
val d3 = "org.scalablytyped" % "d3_sjs0.6_2.12" % "5.0-dt-20181018Z-171237"
val `d3-array` = "org.scalablytyped" % "d3-array_sjs0.6_2.12" % "1.2-dt-20181018Z-e09a78"
// ...
Code away
After that you should be good to go and start coding:
import typings.std.^.console
console.warn("Hello, World!")
Facade libraries
As you can imagine with all this casting and other nonsense, a more scala-like facade will often be a better way.
For now we have the following facades:
- antd-slinky
- react-router-native-slinky
- antd-native-slinky
- react-router-dom-slinky
- react
- react-redux
- react-slinky
- react-japgolly
These libraries can depend both on typings and external libraries, and will be versioned and published alongside ScalablyTyped typings.
If you try one of the typings and end up writing a small facade feel free to PR it! :)
Haven't people already tried this?
There are heaps of other projects which does this for different languages, with different levels of effort put into them, and different degrees of success.
This is a small sample:
- DefinitelyScala
- scala-js-ts-importer
- Retyped for C#
- ts2k for Kotlin
- ReasonablyTyped for Reason ML
- typescript2java
You'll see there are two projects which target Scala.
is Sébastien's original attempt from some years ago,
which forms the basis for both DefinitelyScala
and ScalablyTyped
is an awesome project, but it's not finished.
This project tries to pick up where it left off and finish the task.
The converter, tso
, powers ScalablyTyped
with a huge set of features not frequently found elsewhere:
- Parser for ~all of Typescript
- Keeps ~all comments
- Full handling of dependencies between libraries, including those outside of
- Full implementation of the module system, which all useful javascript libraries rely on
- ~All types and values are fully resolved, across library boundaries
- A naming scheme to avoid name collisions
- Scala.js must abide by JVM rules, so we handle erasure, overloads, overrides, default parameters,
conflicts, inheritance conflicts, etc. - Better user convenience by converting to
traits - Bridges gap between structural and nominal typing somewhat by a strong bias towards type aliases instead of traits
- Answers
queries and type lookups (React.Props["children"]
) - Fills in defaulted type parameters
All these features combined enable us to rewrite a very high percentage of all typings, somewhere around 98-99% of the newest version of all libraries in the current set.
Is it production ready?
Typings should leave little to no trace of their existence in the finished javascript artifact, and hence not be directly responsible for runtime errors.
That said... These typings are all just documentation, and we're working with Javascript here. Test well.
Users should beware though, that we currently have limited space for published artifacts at Bintray. This necessarily means that we'll have to cull old versions of typings to make room for new ones.
We'll establish some kind of regime with selected LTS (Long Term Support) releases, but the exact details are yet to be determined.
If you choose to depend on a typing now, be prepared to do one of the following:
- keep updating to newest version of typings (breaking old builds)
- locally cache/store typing artifacts
- copy/paste the typing source code into your own repository
- build typing artifacts from ScalablyTyped source code
- donate money/server towards artifact hosting
Anticipated questions about the encoding
There are loads of details as to how the conversion is done. Not everything is optimal of course. The following points try to explain the big picture:
Whatsup with fooNs, fooMod, foo and all that?
Typescript does namespacing differently than Scala, so you can have
a library, a var
, a module
and a namespace
all with the same name.
For that reason we need to setup a rather elaborate renaming scheme on the Scala side
to avoid name collisions.
The Foo
without suffix is reserved for companion objects with static members, enums,
and for conversion of things like declare val foo: {...}
which is also converted into an object
Module names in particular tend to be pretty long, because we flatten the module namespace.
On the bright side javascript imports were never super clean in the first place, and we have way better tooling in Scala to handle it - meaning you shouldn't write much of those yourself.
A somewhat nice way of handling this is to bundle your commonly used imports somewhere, for instance:
package object myapp {
type Avatar = typings.materialDashUi.avatarMod.default
val React = typings.react.dsl
Note: Earlier we used Lib
as a suffix for all library names, we now managed to drop it.
Migration should be easy with a search/replace of typings.xxxLib =>
Whatsup with the hats?
We normally convert typescript namespaces and modules into scala packages.
In idiomatic scala top level members inside would be placed into package objects,
but those are unfortunately broken when used as javascript facades.
For that reason we put them into objects called ^
The scheme is like this:
package typings
package std
import scalajs.js
import scalajs.js.`|`
import scalajs.js.annotation._
object ^ extends js.Object {
val Array: std.ArrayConstructor = js.native
// ...
// usage: typings.std.^.Array.newInstance(1)
Note that this is the "normal" container format. If a container doesn't introduce new types (or if a namespace is exported in a module), the "compact" format is used instead where everything goes into an object.
Modules which are classes are also called ^
, for instance:
package typings.awsDashSdk.clientsDynamodbMod
@JSImport("aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb", JSImport.Namespace)
class ^ () extends DynamoDB {
def this(options: ClientConfiguration) = this()
import typings.awsDashSdk.clientsDynamodbMod.{^ => DynamoDb}
new DynamoDb(ClientConfiguration(...))
Whatsup with those version strings?
Oh yes, you've noticed the long version strings - Good! If you didn't, they look like this:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalablytyped" %%% "node" % "10.9.x-dt-20180910Z-53a4c0",
"org.scalablytyped" %%% "rxjs" % "6.3.2-a446da"
A ScalablyTyped
package is generated based on two or three axis:
- a library at a given version
- if the typings are declared outside the library, the version of the typings
- the version of the
A good versioning scheme has the following properties
- sortable/monotonously increasing
- uniquely identifiable/reproducible
- not too long
When defining the ScalablyTyped
versioning scheme there was also a strong preference towards
doing less work. We're after all effectively designing a scheme for working with a gigantic
monorepo with millions of lines of code with limited computing resources.
So to avoid wasting resources we encode the effects of the converter, not it's version: We digest the generated source code.
The current version scheme is not bullet proof, but should be a pretty good compromise:
- For a library typed in
:<version declared in typing>-dt-<date of latest commit of typing>-<digest>
- For a library which ships with typings:
<version of library>-<digest>
This is sortable until the digest part, and survives a library's integration of third party typings.
It also scales all the way down to local development, where we only fire up scalac
when there are
actual code changes.
Since we recognize that keeping many of these complex versions in sync is going to be an issue,
every complete build of ScalablyTyped
also generates the sbt plugin mentioned above.
Whatsup with old versions?
ScalablyTyped only considers the newest version of libraries, and that is already considerable scope.
Whatsup with numbers?
We're used to deal with Int
, Double
, and so on. Javascript isn't.
In the general case it's hopeless to guess what a number
is, so Double
is all we get here.
Whatsup with casting?
Since Typescript is structurally typed it's impossible that all subtyping relationships transfer to For instance:
trait ArrayLike[T] extends /* n */ ScalablyTyped.runtime.NumberDictionary[T] {
val length: Double
is a description of something that conforms to a minimal version of the Array
You'll find that Array
itself doesn't inherit it:
trait Array[T] extends /* n */ ScalablyTyped.runtime.NumberDictionary[T] {
val length: Double = js.native
Although we could extend the converter to recognize some of these cases, it is not currently done. The fix is straightforward cast, demonstrating that you know something the compiler doesn't:
For good measure, bundle your knowledge somewhere so you don't litter you code with casts:
object Foo {
def ArrayIsArrayLike[T](ts: typings.std.Array[T]): typings.std.ArrayLike[T] = ts.asInstanceOf[typings.std.ArrayLike[T]]
Whatsup with bounds?
After conversion, all bounds are commented out. The converter has support for translating them, but they're commented out for now since they are often impractical to conform to.
Take for instance this:
trait Crypto extends js.Object {
def getRandomValues[T /* <: Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Float32Array | Float64Array | DataView | Null */](array: T): T
For now you'll have to be aware of this limitation and treat bounds as documentation.
Whatsup with classes?
In Javascript classes are first class values, while in Scala they just float around in a parallel type-dimension.
To capture this (and the idea of a "newable" function), a family of interfaces is introduced (in the runtime
helper artifact):
trait Instantiable1[T1, R] extends js.Object
object Instantiable1 {
@inline implicit final class Instantiable1Opts[T1, R](private val ctor: Instantiable1[T1, R]) extends AnyVal {
@inline def newInstance1(t1: T1): R =
Given this, we can capture that window
owns a newable Blob
thing for instance:
trait Window {
var Blob: Anon_BlobParts = ???
trait Anon_BlobParts
extends ScalablyTyped.runtime.Instantiable0[Blob]
with ScalablyTyped.runtime.Instantiable1[/* blobParts */ js.Array[BlobPart], Blob]
with ScalablyTyped.runtime.Instantiable2[/* blobParts */ js.Array[BlobPart], /* options */ BlobPropertyBag, Blob]
val blob: Blob = typings.std.^.window.Blob.newInstance0()
inferred classes
Since Instantiable
has some drawbacks, statically reachable Instantiable
s are upgraded to proper classes.
For instance for this
trait HTMLDivElement extends HTMLElement
object HTMLDivElement
extends org.scalablytyped.runtime.Instantiable0[HTMLDivElement]
We will infer this class
class HTMLDivElementCls () extends HTMLDivElement
These classes will frequently have a Cls
suffix, again to avoid name conflicts.
We keep both interface/type alias and the class because both might be useful (and in the case of angular, needed).
Note: Be a bit wary with these classes. In typescript this pattern is sometimes used to signal
that a it can participate in an instanceof check, but can't be instantiated.
This applies to HTMLDivElement
for instance.
Whatsup with Javascript and this
is a long story. Surprisingly, it's not getting shorter with Scala.js
The problem is that Scala.js discards the Javascript this
when it calls functions, even if the function is
owned (in Javascript terms) by an object. When calling methods it behaves as expected.
For instance given the following trait:
trait UnderlyingSink extends js.Object {
val start: WritableStreamDefaultControllerCallback = js.native
type WritableStreamDefaultControllerCallback =
js.Function1[/* controller */ WritableStreamDefaultController, Unit]
It's generally impossible to know whether this
is important in this context, and Scala.js is not going to supply it.
We play it safe and rewrite most such cases to methods, like this:
trait UnderlyingSink extends js.Object {
def start(controller: WritableStreamDefaultController): Unit = js.native
Whatsup with strings?
The Javascript world is a stringly-typed world. Typescript models the insanity with literal types. Literal types are supposed to land in Scala 2.13/dotty, but we don't have them yet. Even when we get them, erasure probably means they won't be too useful in this particular context.
Soo, we cheat a bit. Let's have a look at what it looks like in the csstype
package typings
package csstype
object csstypeStrings {
sealed trait `-moz-initial` extends js.Object
def `-moz-initial`: `-moz-initial` = "-moz-initial".asInstanceOf[`-moz-initial`]
A more precise encoding might still be
def `-moz-initial`: `-moz-initial` with String = "-moz-initial".asInstanceOf[`-moz-initial` with String]
but that hasn't been explored yet. Erasure feels fairly arbitrary when it comes to intersection types.
So there is that. A neat lie to fool scalac
into accepting things it was never built to be prepared for,
just have a glance at the method encoding below.
Whatsup with all those methods?
The method encoding is somewhat complex, because of the huge disconnect between the flexible encoding Typescript provides to very richly describe an interface, and Scala's more rigid, JVM-conforming idea of what a method is.
Let's first take a case like HTMLCanvasElement.getContext
where the value of the first parameter determines the return type.
Typescript is built to handle this, where you define very specific overloads, and a more general definition.
interface HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement {
getContext(contextId: "2d", contextAttributes?: CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings): CanvasRenderingContext2D | null;
getContext(contextId: "webgl" | "experimental-webgl", contextAttributes?: WebGLContextAttributes): WebGLRenderingContext | null;
getContext(contextId: string, contextAttributes?: {}): CanvasRenderingContext2D | WebGLRenderingContext | null;
So what do we do in Scala? We could consolidate/discard the methods and go for a union type:
trait HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement {
// we don't actually do this
def getContext(contextId: String, contextAttributes: js.UndefOr[js.Object | CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings | WebGLContextAttributes]): CanvasRenderingContext2D | WebGLRenderingContext | Null = js.native
But where would the fun be? And the type-safety? This is what we actually end up with:
import typings.std.stdStrings.{`2d`, `experimental-webgl`, webgl}
trait HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement {
def getContext(contextId: String): CanvasRenderingContext2D | WebGLRenderingContext | Null = js.native
def getContext(contextId: String, contextAttributes: js.Object): CanvasRenderingContext2D | WebGLRenderingContext | Null = js.native
def getContext_2d(contextId: `2d`): CanvasRenderingContext2D | Null = js.native
def getContext_2d(contextId: `2d`, contextAttributes: CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings): CanvasRenderingContext2D | Null = js.native
def `getContext_experimental-webgl`(contextId: `experimental-webgl`): WebGLRenderingContext | Null = js.native
def `getContext_experimental-webgl`(contextId: `experimental-webgl`, contextAttributes: WebGLContextAttributes): WebGLRenderingContext | Null = js.native
def getContext_webgl(contextId: webgl): WebGLRenderingContext | Null = js.native
def getContext_webgl(contextId: webgl, contextAttributes: WebGLContextAttributes): WebGLRenderingContext | Null = js.native
Several things are in motion here.
- We use the faked literal strings to distinguish the different values
can have. In this particular case the methods are also renamed (getContext_2d
), that's mostly only the case in the presence of type literals. - All the overloads are duplicated to account for optional parameters, because default parameters in Scala don't work in the presence of overloads. Because of the renames it isn't strictly necessary in this case, but it's done all over the generated code, because further overloads might also appear in sub/super classes (including in dependencies)
Talking about overloads/overrides, there are more things to consider for the conversion.
Let's take a new example, EventTarget
interface EventTarget {
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
declare type EventListenerOrEventListenerObject = EventListener | EventListenerObject;
interface EventListener {
(evt: Event): void;
interface EventListenerObject {
handleEvent(evt: Event): void;
interface MediaStream extends EventTarget {
addEventListener<K extends keyof MediaStreamEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: MediaStream, ev: MediaStreamEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
interface MediaStreamEventMap {
"active": Event;
"addtrack": MediaStreamTrackEvent;
Notice that the second parameter of addEventListener
in EventTarget
has type EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null
while in MediaStream
it is not nullable. Boom - compile error!
To solve this situation, we also duplicate methods rather liberally around union types, such that EventTarget
ends up as
trait EventTarget extends js.Object {
def addEventListener(`type`: String): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener(`type`: String, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener(`type`: String, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options: AddEventListenerOptions): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener(`type`: String, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options: Boolean): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener(`type`: String, listener: Null, options: AddEventListenerOptions): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener(`type`: String, listener: Null, options: Boolean): Unit = js.native
type EventListenerOrEventListenerObject = EventListener | EventListenerObject
type EventListener = js.Function1[/* evt */ Event, Unit]
trait EventListenerObject extends js.Object {
def handleEvent(evt: Event): Unit
The point is not necessarily that this is awesome, but that it compiles - even in the presence of overrides in subclasses with different optionality of parameters
Let's have a look at MediaStream
as well:
import typings.std.stdStrings.{active, addtrack}
trait MediaStream extends EventTarget {
def addEventListener_active(`type`: active, listener: js.ThisFunction1[/* this */ this.type, /* ev */ Event, _]): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener_active(`type`: active, listener: js.ThisFunction1[/* this */ this.type, /* ev */ Event, _], options: AddEventListenerOptions): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener_active(`type`: active, listener: js.ThisFunction1[/* this */ this.type, /* ev */ Event, _], options: Boolean): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener_addtrack(`type`: addtrack, listener: js.ThisFunction1[/* this */ this.type, /* ev */ MediaStreamTrackEvent, _]): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener_addtrack(`type`: addtrack, listener: js.ThisFunction1[/* this */ this.type, /* ev */ MediaStreamTrackEvent, _], options: AddEventListenerOptions): Unit = js.native
def addEventListener_addtrack(`type`: addtrack, listener: js.ThisFunction1[/* this */ this.type, /* ev */ MediaStreamTrackEvent, _], options: Boolean): Unit = js.native
- The general fallback definition of
is omitted since it didn't enrich what was defined in the superclass - we use
to allow overrides which take the same callback function but with a more specificthis
context - we expand the
<K extends keyof MediaStreamEventMap>
construct such that we maintain full type-safety of the callback based on thetype
Note also that this although this section mainly explores duplication of methods, there is also a consolidation step, which combines methods with the same JVM erasure, as Scala cares about that a lot.
Whatsup with rewriting type unions to inheritance?
We've had some issues where unions of many types, among other issues like compile time, bumps into the JVMs limit for how many string literals can be referenced in a class/method.
Scala is much better prepared to handle trait
s with many implementations, so as long as all
types in a long type union is contained in the same library, we rewrite for instance this:
type BlobPart = BufferSource | Blob | String
Into this:
/* Rewritten from type alias, can be one of:
- BufferSource
- Blob
- String
type BlobPart = _BlobPart | String
trait _BlobPart extends js.Object
trait Blob extends _BlobPart
trait BufferSource extends _BlobPart
This mechanism also means that the fake string literals seen above can inherit from traits:
sealed trait center
extends AlignSetting
with CanvasTextAlign
with LineAlignSetting
with PositionAlignSetting
with ScrollLogicalPosition
Whatsup with @js.native and all that?
So Scala.js has two types of interop, which is better described in the Scala.js documentation.
We don't really use this annotation anymore, it's just the default for types which extend js.Object
This is a nice encoding for objects the user themselves create, since it's newable:
new Props {
override val foo = 1
We try to convert everything into this format, but we give up in case the structure is callable, or if it has overloads.
This describes things you can only consume, which is most of the surface of most libraries.
Because of the rather liberal use of method duplication (which causes overloads) described above,
there will be cases where you'll need to instantiate a @js.native
annotated trait.
This is done by casting, with no compiler help:
js.Dynamic.literal(foo = 1).asInstanceof[Props]
This will be improved in the future, but for now it is what it is. Based on using 0.01% of the libraries it hasn't been a problem so far.
Whatsup with type mappings?
Typescript provides this awesome way of transforming types called type mappings.
They work more or less like this:
// from typescript's bundled definitions
* Make all properties in T optional
type Partial<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P];
* From T pick a set of properties K
type Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = {
[P in K]: T[P];
* Construct a type with a set of properties K of type T
type Record<K extends keyof any, T> = {
[P in K]: T;
interface Person {
age: number;
name: string;
// these compile
const named: Pick<Person, "name"> = {name: "asdasd"};
const empty: Partial<Person> = {};
const record: Record<"a" | "b", number> = {a: 1, b: 2}
As you might imagine, converting these to Scala is not straightforward.
For static cases we can evaluate them and generate interfaces (though it's not implemented yet!),
but for generic cases (say Partial<T>
) there isn't much we can do for now.
Just to get things working, we mostly ignore the effects of the type mappings in Scala for now, and keep the transformation in a comment:
type Partial[T] = /* import warning: ImportType.apply c Unsupported type mapping:
{[ P in keyof T ]:? T[P]}
*/ typings.std.stdStrings.Partial with T
This is again not necessarily awesome, but it works.
Crucially, the encoding leaves a trace in the form of the string literal in the intersection type.
When you consume a structure like this it acts like a (subtle) red flag to indicate that you might not get exactly the data the type system indicates. When you produce such a value, you need to cast yourself:
val partialPerson: Partial[Person] = js.Dynamic.literal(name = "dsa").asInstanceOf[Partial[Person]]
Also notice that for Record
the transformation is such that we cannot just ignore it,
so we fall back to js.Any
Whatsup with interface augmentation?
Another awesome feature of typescript is how you can describe that a library or a module augments an existing structure.
// in library foo
interface FooStatic {
// in library foo-augmented
interface FooStatic {
import foo from 'foo';
import 'augments-foo';
The converter has some internal support for detecting this,
but we haven't experimented with outputting anything yet.
That means that you have to detect this yourself and cast.
Have a look at the jquery
to see how it's done.