
Type safe RPC in scala

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Gitter

Type safe RPC in scala

Sloth is essentially a pair of macros (server and client) which takes an API definition in the form of a scala trait and then generates code for routing in the server as well as generating an API implementation in the client.

This library is inspired by autowire. Some differences:

  • No macro application on the call-site in the client (.call()), just one macro for creating an instance of an API trait
  • Return types of Api traits are not restricted to Future. You can use any higher-kinded generic return types (cats.MonadError in client, cats.Functor in server)
  • Generates custom case classes for each function (for serializing the parameter lists)

Get started

Get latest release:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.cornerman" %%% "sloth" % "0.3.0"

Or get development snapshots via jitpack:

resolvers += "jitpack" at "https://jitpack.io"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.cornerman.sloth" %%% "sloth" % "master-SNAPSHOT"

Example usage

Define a trait as your Api:

trait Api {
    def fun(a: Int): Future[Int]


Implement your Api:

object ApiImpl extends Api {
    def fun(a: Int): Future[Int] = Future.successful(a + 1)

Define a router where we can use, e.g., boopickle for serializing the arguments and result of a method:

import sloth._
import boopickle.Default._
import chameleon.ext.boopickle._
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import cats.implicits._

val router = Router[ByteBuffer, Future].route[Api](ApiImpl)

Use it to route requests to your Api implementation:

val result = router(Request[ByteBuffer]("Api" :: "fun" :: Nil, bytes))
// Now result contains the serialized Int result returned by the method ApiImpl.fun


Generate an implementation for Api on the client side:

import sloth._
import boopickle.Default._
import chameleon.ext.boopickle._
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import cats.implicits._

object Transport extends RequestTransport[PickleType, Future] {
    // implement the transport layer. this example just calls the router directly.
    // in reality, the request would be sent over a connection.
    override def apply(request: Request[PickleType]): Future[PickleType] =
        router(request).toEither match {
            case Right(result) => result
            case Left(err) => Future.failed(new Exception(err.toString))

val client = Client[PickleType, Future, ClientException](Transport)
val api: Api = client.wire[Api]

Make requests to the server like normal method calls:

api.fun(1).foreach { num =>
  println(s"Got response: $num")

Additional features

Generic return type

Sometimes it can be useful to have a different return type on the server and client, you can do so by making your API generic:

trait Api[F[_]] {
    def fun(a: Int): F[Int]

In your server, you can use any cats.Functor as F, for example:

type ServerResult[T] = User => T

object ApiImpl extends Api[ServerResult] {
    def fun(a: Int): User => Int = { user =>
        println(s"User: $user")
        a + 1

val router = Router[ByteBuffer, ServerResult]

In your client, you can use any cats.MonadError that can capture a ClientFailure (see ClientFailureConvert for using your own failure type):

type ClientResult[T] = Either[ClientFailure, T]

val client = Client[PickleType, ClientResult, ClientFailure](Transport)
val api: Api = client.wire[Api[ClientResult]]

Multiple routes

It is possible to have multiple APIs routed through the same router:

val router = Router[ByteBuffer, Future]

Router result

The router in the server returns a RouterResult[PickleType, Result[_]] which either returns a result or fails with a ServerFailure. Furthermore, it gives access to the deserialized request:

router(request) match {
    case RouterResult.Success(arguments, result) => println(s"Success (arguments: $arguments): $result")
    case RouterResult.Failure(arguments, error) => println(s"Error (arguments: $arguments): $error")

Or you can just convert the result to an Either[ServerFailure, Result[PickleType]]:

router(request).toEither match {
    case Right(result) => println(s"Success: $result")
    case Left(error) => println(s"Error: $error")

Client logging

For logging, you can define a LogHandler, which can log each request including the deserialized request and response. Define it when creating the Client:

object MyLogHandler extends LogHandler[ClientResult[_]] {
  def logRequest[T](path: List[String], argumentObject: Product, result: ClientResult[T]): ClientResult[T] = ???

val client = Client[PickleType, ClientResult, ClientFailure](Transport, MyLogHandler)

Method overloading

When overloading methods with different parameter lists, sloth does not have a unique path (because it is derived from the trait name and the method name). Here you will need to provide your own path name:

trait Api {
    def fun(i: Int): F[Int]
    def fun(i: Int, s: String): F[Int]


For serialization, we make use of the typeclasses provided by chameleon. You can use existing libraries like circe, upickle, scodec or boopickle out of the box or define a serializer yourself (see the project readme)

How does it work

Sloth derives all information about an API from a scala trait. For example:

// @PathName("apiName")
trait Api {
    // @PathName("funName")
    def fun(a: Int, b: String)(c: Double): F[Int]

For each declared method in this trait (in this case fun):

  • Calculate method path: List("Api", "fun") (PathName annotations on the trait or method are taken into account).
  • Generate a case class representing the parameter lists: case class _sloth_Api_fun(a: Int, b: String, c: Double).


When calling router.route[Api](impl), a macro generates a function that maps a method path and a pickled case class to a pickled result. This basically boils down to:

HashMap("Api" -> HashMap("fun" -> { payload =>
    // deserialize payload
    // call Api implementation impl with arguments
    // return serialized response


When calling client.wire[Api], a macro generates an instance of Api by implementing each method using the provided transport:

new Api {
    def fun(a: Int, b: String)(c: Double): F[Int] = {
        // serialize arguments
        // call RequestTransport transport with method path and arguments
        // return deserialized response

Experimental: Checksum for Apis

In order to check the compatability of the client and server Api trait, you can calculate a checksum of your Api:

import sloth.ChecksumCalculator._

trait Api {
    def fun(s: String): Int

val checksum:Int = checksumOf[Api]

The checksum of an Api trait is calculated from its Name and its methods (including names and types of parameters and result type).


  • Type parameters on methods in the API trait are not supported.
  • All public methods in an API trait need to return the same higher kinded result type.
  • Your chosen serialization library needs to support serializing case classes, which are generated by the macro for the parameter lists of each method in the API trait.