
Lightweight image to text in rust

Primary LanguageRust


OCR inference in rust.

This project compiles to a single 30 mbs binary, but it's still necessary to have onnxruntime and opencv installed on the system.

Using a db_mobilenet_v2 (DBNet: Real-time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization) as detector and a crnn_vgg16_bn (CRNN: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition) as recognizer. In principle this code can run any model that uses the approach of detector → recognizer. In this case the project is using the recognizer trained by docTR. (The detector is an older version). If you want, you can train your own model.

oc-rs 0.1.0

    oc-rs <FILE_PATH> [ARGS]

    <FORMAT>       [default: json] [possible values: json, text]

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information


$ oc-rs "samples/sample.png" json | jq