
The exercise codes to Graham Neubig's [nlptutorial](https://github.com/neubig/nlptutorial)

Primary LanguagePython

NLP Programming Tutorial

by Graham Neubig (neubig at is dot naist.jp)

This is a tutorial to learn the basics of natural language processing and machine learning through programming exercises using Python.

The tutorial covers the following material:

  • Tutorial 0: Programming Basics
  • Tutorial 1: Unigram Language Models
  • Tutorial 2: Bigram Language Models
  • Tutorial 3: Word Segmentation
  • Tutorial 4: Part-of-Speech Tagging with Hidden Markov Models
  • Tutorial 5: The Perceptron Algorithm
  • Tutorial 6: Advanced Discriminative Training
  • Tutorial 7: Neural Networks
  • Tutorial 8: Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Tutorial 9: Topic Models
  • Tutorial 10: Phrase Structure Parsing
  • Tutorial 11: Dependency Parsing
  • Tutorial 12: Structured Perceptron
  • Tutorial 13: Search Algorithms
  • Bonus 1: Kana-Kanji Conversion for Japanese Input


by Dongyao Hu (me)

The exercise codes are in the exercise directory. Each sub-directory is corresponding to the download directory in the original repo maintained by Graham Neubig.