
Docker and deployment files for mediawiki

Primary LanguageHCL

MediaWiki and Database Deployment

Demo URL: http://a3c35c50ffd92417b985bdebdbc2a526-641227410.ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com/

This repository contains the necessary files and instructions for deploying MediaWiki and the associated database on Kubernetes using Helm charts. It also includes the Dockerfile for building the Docker image of MediaWiki and Database also the Terraform code for creating the AWS infrastructure such as VPC and EKS.


  • AWS CLI installed and configured
  • Docker
  • kubectl
  • helm

Docker Image Build Steps

To build the MediaWiki Docker image, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the root directory of the repository.
  2. Build the MediaWiki Docker image:
    docker build -t <tagName> .
  3. Push the MediaWiki Docker image to a container registry:
    docker push <tagName>

To build the database Docker image (using Percona MySQL as the base image), follow these steps:

  1. Go to the database directory in the repository.
  2. Build the database Docker image:
    docker build -t <tagName> .
  3. Push the database Docker image to a container registry:
    docker push <tagName>

AWS Infrastructure Creation

To create the AWS infrastructure using Terraform, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the terraform directory in the repository.
  2. Initialize Terraform:
    terraform init
  3. Apply the Terraform configuration to create the infrastructure:
    terraform apply
    review the changes and type yes to continue.


To deploy the MediaWiki and database on Kubernetes using Helm, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the charts directory in the repository.
  2. Deploy the database using Helm:
    helm upgrade --install <releaseName> mysql
  3. Deploy MediaWiki using Helm:
    helm upgrade --install <releaseName> mediawiki

Note: Do not forget to change the credentials in database and mediawiki helm chart.

Default admin login credentials for mediawiki:

username: admin

password: admin@1234! (change password on first login.)

After following these steps, you should have MediaWiki and the associated database deployed and running on your Kubernetes cluster.

Updating LocalSettings.php

You can easily update the LocalSettings.php file by updating the corresponding ConfigMap and restarting the deployment. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Locate the ConfigMap associated with MediaWiki deployment.

  2. Update the LocalSettings.php data in the ConfigMap with the desired configuration.

  3. Save the changes to the ConfigMap and use helm command to apply the changes.

    helm upgrade --install <releaseName> mediawiki
  4. Restart the MediaWiki deployment to apply the updated LocalSettings.php:

    kubectl rollout restart deployment mediawiki -n <namespace>

Please refer to the individual directories and files in this repository for more detailed instructions and configuration options.