
Implementation of two RSTM with elliptic relaxation models

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Implementation of two RSTM with elliptic relaxation models

Implementation: Heng Xiao
Review and Improvement: Michael Wild
Bug reports and comments to: Heng Xiao

The following RSTM models are implemented:


Durbin Elliptic Relaxation Model [Durbin1993]


Hanjalic Elliptic Blending Model [Manceau2002]

Both classes inherit from the abstract base class GenElliptic. Both can choose LRR or SSG as the homogenous model. However, SSG has not been fully tested. LRR is the default. The Durbin model also has the option of applying the elliptic operator correction by Manceau et al [Manceau2001]. This is invoked by setting ellipticOperatorCorrection to be true.

This distribution also comes with a solver channelPisoFoam for the computation of channel flow with fixed mass flux. The solver is derived from channelFoam, but can use RAS turbulence models. The turbulece models, however, can be used with any solver.

An example case, the Re395 channel, is also included.

Building the code:
$ ./Allwmake
Runnning the example:
$ blockMesh -case channel395-Durbin-example
$ channelPisoFoam -case channel395-Durbin-example
