
gen~-exported code on Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageC++

Installing genPi


  1. get Homebrew
  2. brew install rt-audio rtmidi
  3. cd /path/to/genPi
  4. mkdir build-xcode
  5. cd build-xcode

If you want to work in Xcode:

  • cmake .. -G Xcode
  • Open the generated Xcode project (in the build-xcode directory).

If you want to work from the CLI:

  • cmake ..
  • make
  • ./genPi

Raspberry Pi

  1. sudo apt-get install librtaudio-dev librtmidi-dev cmake g++-4.9
  2. if you want to use wiringPi (for GPIO hardware support), sudo apt-get install wiringpi
  3. cd /path/to/genPi
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build
  6. cmake ..
  7. make
  8. ./genPi

Replace genexport.cpp with your own exported code!