Installation PG4 and P2X

Covariance Matrix Generation

Matrix Value Uncertainty Source Toy Process Time
B2B Energy Scale 1 0.007 DocDB 2363 Non-PG4 toys ~ 90 mins
B2B Energy Resolution 400 PE/MeV 8 PE/MeV DocDB 2815-v1 Non-PG4 toys ~2 mins
B2B Energy Loss - 8 KeV Assume same as the full detector Non-PG4 toys ~60 mins
Energy Loss - 8 KeV DocDB 2503 Non-PG4 toys ~1 min
Background Scaling 0.002 DocDB 2377 Non-PG4 toys ~1 min
Background Norm 99.121% 1% DocDB 2509 Non-PG4 toys
Signal Stats Corr Non-PG4 toys ~1min
B2B Volume Non-PG4 toys ~1min
Non Lin Energy PG4 toys ~ min
Baseline uncertainty 7932 mm 100 mm DocDB 2229 Non-PG4 toys maybe

I will need the OscSens CovMatrix The input file needed is the output from runOscChain ?