TEALScript Beginner Bootcamp

This is the repository for the Algorand TEALscript beginner bootcamp.

To use this repository, clone it on your local machine with git clone https://github.com/algorand-bootcamp/ts-beginner-en or start a codespace by going to https://codespaces.new/algorand-bootcamp/ts-beginner-en

Going to each step

To go to each step, run the command git checkout vXXX with XXX corresponding to the step you wish to go to. In this repository there are eight totals steps

  1. v101
  2. v102
  3. v103
  4. v104
  5. v105
  6. v106
  7. v107
  8. v108
  9. v109
  10. v110
  11. v111
  12. v112
  13. v113

It is recommended to start with step v101, so get started with git checkout v101

Local Devcontainer

If you wish to clone the repo locally but still use a devcontainer, simply replace .devcontainer.json with .devcontainer.local.json

Video Recordings