
A Smalltalk project for managing and displaying isometric sprites

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A Smalltalk project for managing and displaying isometric sprites

Written in Pharo but uses Morphic and should hopefully work in other smalltalk, let me know if not. Graphics and sprites is mostly (c) but CC by Clint Bellanger and from OpenGameart; https://opengameart.org/content/cave-tileset

Currently supports:

  • Parsing and picking out individual sprites from a spritesheet png
  • Can read Flare's sprite definition format and use it to create animated sprites
  • Can create aggregeate sprites (mutliples of above) which are animated together (so that sword, head and body animate together)
  • Support multiple version of an aggreagated sprite layer, so 'body' can have 'clothes', 'leather_armour' and 'steel_armour' and switch between them at runtime.
  • Support play_once, back_forth and loop animations (also from Flare sprite definitions)

Run the IsoSpriteBoardTest which acts as just an example and opens an IsoSpriteBoard in world. image


sprite := TestAnimatedSprite generate: 'default'.
sprite openInHand.   "place sprite somwhere on screen"
sprite play: 'critdie'.    "or 'stance', 'cast', 'block', 'hit', 'spawn', et.c. "
"Animation names can be found in the TestAnimatedSprite class method #definition "
sprite owner removeMorph: sprite    "to remove from screen"

The TestBoardController class is a sample of how one could use the IsoSpriteBoard to add different sprites as tiles and as players or enemies.

It also implement some basic keyboard input, for the hero;

  • e - equip different hero armours
  • w - wield different hero weapons
  • q - attack with weapon