Simple micropython software repository for Badges.
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- Requires PHP 8.1 or later
- Requires Python 3.6 or later
- Requires Node.js 16.14 or later
- Requires Redis 3.2 or later
- Requires Git 2.8 or later
For deployment on a server.
cp .env.example .env
Edit your database, mail and other settings..
Or copy the local dev environment config.
cp .env
Install and configure required items.
pip install pyflakes
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
yarn production
Install assets.
php artisan horizon:publish
php artisan livewire:publish
Installing and configuring the async websocket server.
yarn global add laravel-echo-server
laravel-echo-server init
Compiling and installing the patched minigzip.
tar xvf zlib-1.2.12.tar.gz
cd zlib-1.2.12
echo -e "#define MAX_WBITS 13\n$(cat zconf.h)" > zconf.h
sudo make install
If you would like to have Verilog support.
Install Icarus Verilog 0.9 or later.
TODO more info ;)
You'll need a be running Laravel Horizon service.
For the websocket server.
laravel-echo-server start
After going through the steps
php artisan serve
If you don't want to install things and do the above steps, Docker makes all the above as easy as:
docker-compose up # -d for daemon mode
docker exec -it hatchery_laravel_1 php artisan migrate --seed
docker exec -it hatchery_laravel_1 yarn watch
Enjoy your Hatchery at http://localhost:8000
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse
Run all the tests
vendor/bin/pest --no-coverage
Run a test suite (for a list of availabe suites, see /phpunit.xml
vendor/bin/pest --testsuite <suite_name>
Run a specific test file
vendor/bin/pest tests/<optional_folders>/TestFileName
Run a specific test case
vendor/bin/pest --filter <test_case_name>
Generate code coverage as HTML
vendor/bin/pest --coverage-html docs/coverage
This will create the code coverage docs in docs/coverage/index.html
Not: Clear caches before testing!
php artisan route:clear && php artisan config:clear
vendor/bin/codecept build
vendor/bin/codecept run
Hatchery is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.