
🐈 Meow, meow-meow-meow, meow-meow, meow.

Primary LanguageShell

🐈 configs

🐈 Meow, meow-meow-meow, meow-meow, meow.

  1. cd ~
  2. git clone git@github.com:psyanite/configs.git .meow-configs
  3. cd .meow-configs
  4. cp .bashrc ../.bashrc
  5. cp .gitconfig ../.gitconfig
  6. cp git-prompt.sh /c/Program\ Files/Git/etc/profile.d/git-prompt.sh
  7. cp ssh/config ../.ssh/config

Add history shortcuts for up down arrows

Add the following text to ~/.inputrc

"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward


  • Install zshrc
  • Install spaceship theme
  • Install Palenight color theme
  • Add theme and aliases from .zshrc to ~/.zshrc