Welcome to Psych-DS! If this is your first time visiting a Github repository, look to the left/down to the README (below the repository files.) Psych-DS is a specification for behavioral datasets - JSON-LD metadata, predictable directory structure, and machine-readable specifications for tabular datasets in behavioral research
- akluczewska
- annakrystalli@r-rse
- artaxerxesDAGGR, Ltd
- axrhart
- bradmonkUCSD, UCSF, PSE
- brandmaierBerlin
- christinabergmannMax Planck Institude for Psycholinguistics
- denisfitz57
- doomlabHarrisburg, PA
- evomellorCenter for Open Science
- FelixHenningerLudwig Maximilian University in Munich
- hemrekocalarMugla Sitki Kocman University
- jdkent@PsychoinformaticsLab
- jobreuGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- jodeleeuwVassar College
- JosueMAMéxico
- k-basinskiMedical University of Gdańsk
- kdaljeet
- KirstieJane@alan-turing-institute @the-turing-way
- kristabhConcordia Universtiy
- LakensEindhoven University of Technology
- lindemann09Erasmus University Rotterdam
- LingtaxAustralia
- lnalborczykUNICOG, NeuroSpin, CEA
- m-apfelthaler
- marton-balazs-kovacsBudapest
- nicebread
- Remi-GauOrigami lab - McGill University
- rubenarslan@rforms @Meta-Rep
- SamGuayMontreal, QC, Canada
- SCgeekerTzu-Chi University
- schnarrd
- TomDonoghueNew York City
- ttingZheng
- vince-p
- xiruizhao