
HDHomeRun emulator for Plex DVR to connect to Tvheadend. A Crystal port of jkaberg/tvhProxy

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


A Crystal port of tvhProxy which is a program that translates the Tvheadend API to emulate a HDHomeRun API. This is particularly useful to connect Plex's DVR feature to Tvheadend.

Getting it running


Simplest way to get it running is to run it: docker run -p 5004:5004 -e ANTENNAS_URL= -e TVHEADEND_URL=http://user:pass@ thejf/antennas

Alternatively, you can set it with all the available environment variables:

  docker create --name=antennas
    -e TVHEADEND_URL=http://user:pass@
    -e TUNER_COUNT=6
    -p 5004:5004

And then docker start antennas

Or, you can try by mounting a volume, set by yourself in path/to/config, that will need a config.yml to work. Example of a config.yml is available here, or below:

tvheadend_url: http://replace:me@x.x.x.x:9981
antennas_url: http://x.x.x.x:5004
tvheadend_weight: 300
tuner_count: 6
  • docker create --name=antennas -v <path/to/config>:/antennas/config -p 5004:5004 thejf/antennas
  • Set up config.yml (see configuration instructions here) where you pointed the config volume (what you replaced <path/to/config> with
  • Finally, docker start antennas


Mac OS X


Because Crystal does not yet compile to Windows, and I haven't rewritten this once more in a language that does, to run an executable of this you need to setup Ubuntu on Windows and run it that way.


Antennas can be configured either via the config.yml or environment variables. Environment variables take precedence over the config.yml.


Antennas will look for three values inside a config/config.yml file. They are:

  • tvheadend_url: This is the path to your Tvheadend setup, with username, password, and port. Plex doesn't like localhost so it's best to find your own local IP and put this in if Tvheadend and Plex are running on the same network. For example: http://user:pass@
  • tvheadend_weight: This is a subscripton weight. I have no idea what it's for to be honest.
  • tuner_count: This is for the number of tuners in Tvheadend.

Environment variables

If you want to set environment variables instead of modifying the config.yml, you can do so. The environment variable names are the same than the config.yml, except capitalized. So, TVHEADEND_URL, TVHEADEND_WEIGHT, and TUNER_COUNT.

Docker Configuration

Docker instructions coming soon, along with Dockerfile, and the whole shebang.


Building Antennas locally

  • Install Crystal if you do not yet have it
  • Run shards install
  • Run crystal build ./src/antennas.cr
  • Run ./antennas

In case you get these linking errors

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto

please assure that you have libssl-dev installed.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/thejf/antennas/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • TheJF Jean-Francois Arseneau - creator, maintainer