
basic tools for working with kustomizations on emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This package provides basic tools for working with k8s kutomize.

Table of Contents


The package relies on a yaml helper binary that can be installed from https://github.com/psycofdj/kustomize-yaml-helper


  • git clone https://github.com/psycofdj/kustomize-emacs.git
  • cd kustomize
  • make install

See it in action


  • Open kustomization referenced file or directory


  • Navigate between overlays


  • Generate kustomize result


Example configuration

  (if (require 'kustomize nil 'noerror)
        (when (kustomize-in-kustomize-file)
          (define-key global-map [f12]              'kustomize-open-at-point)
          (define-key global-map [f5]               'kustomize-generate)
          (define-key global-map (kbd "C-<f12>")    'kustomize-open-at-point-other-window)
          (define-key global-map "\C-e"             'kustomize-patch-at-point)
        (when (kustomize-in-dir-strcture)
          (define-key global-map (kbd "C-x C-<up>") 'kustomize-open-overlay))
    (message "unable to initialize kustomize")

Package definitions

Function Description
kustomize-get-patch-at-point(&optional pline pcol) returns JSON6901 paht of symbol under cursor
kustomize-resolve-at-point(&optional pline pcol) returns file path under cursor regarding to current file path
kustomize-which-func adds patch-at-point to which-func-functions hooks
kustomize-get-root returns kustomization.yaml directory closest to current file
kustomize-get-base returns base directory closest to current file
kustomize-in-kustomize-file returns t if detects kustomization format in current file
kustomize-in-dir-strcture returns t if current file is in a kustomize directory structure
Interactive Description
kustomize-patch-at-point calls patch-at-point interactively, copy result into kill-ring
kustomize-open-at-point calls resolve-at-point interactively, open-file result if exists. When symbol is a directory, looks for a kustomization.yaml file in that directory
kustomize-open-at-point-other-window like kustomize-open-at-point but opens file in another window
kustomize-open-overlay search available overlays, prompt selection with IDO and open selected file kustomization.yaml file
kustomize-generate runs kubectl kustomize for current kustomization overlay, prints result in kustomize-buffer-name temporary buffer
Customize Description
kustomize-yaml-helper-bin path to kustomize-yaml-helper binary, default to kustomize-yaml-helper which expects binary to be present in PATH
kustomize-buffer-name temporary buffer name for kustomize-generate command